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Hi everyone...AG asked me to let you all know that she is still feeling pretty sick so that is why you have not heard anything from her. She is thinking of everyone and sends her regards, but she is not strong enough yet to reply to everyone individually or to post yet.

She will recover but it will take a bit of time. In the meanwhile she didn't want you to worry if you didn't hear from her.

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Hi All,
Thanks so much for all the good thoughts and well wishing. I have really appreciated everyone being so supportive. I finally managed to drag myself back into the office today (yea me!) but am still getting tired very easily. But all the medications seem to be finally getting the asthma under control and my breathing (and oxygen levels) are returning to normal. Which is good because let me tell you that not feeling well and being needy and vulnerable are NOT my favorite state. Quite triggering actually. I ended up calling my T who completely understood but almost got hung up on when he said "welcome to the human race." Big Grin I joke, but it really is difficult when I feel that disabled and not able to reach out, I have to fight a sense of almost disappearing. I also ended up letting in a lot of grief I think I had been holding off about leaving therapy. Still going well, just still grieving.

Anyway, I am hopeful that I will continue to get better and as my energy level goes back to normal so should my presence on the boards also. I want to say hi to all the new members posting; sorry I haven't had a chance yet but know you're very welcome and I'm glad you're posting. For everyone else, I miss you all and am looking forward to getting caught back up.

Hugs all around! Smiler


PS Thanks TN for posting updates!! Smiler

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