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I saw my T this morning for our next to last individual appt. I see him for a couple’s appt next Wednesday evening, then I have my final session with him on Wed, September 22nd at 5:30. Which for those of you who are Lord of the Rings fans, is Bilbo Baggins birthday and the day that Frodo sets out for the Gray Havens. Seems very fitting somehow.

It was a really good session but also very sad. I am simultaneously feeling like I want to talk about every syllable uttered and I never want to speak a word about it, if that makes any sense. I’ve been crying since I left, I get it under control for a while but then it starts up again. Nothing out of control, it’s just that the feelings are really intense and sometimes spill over. Waves of grief but with plenty of time to rest in between. He was very affirming about me being ready to go and spoke of how hard I had worked and how far I had come. And as always, he was open to any and all of my feelings. We dropped my older daughter off at college this weekend and I told my T about a conversation we had while setting up her dorm room. She had a difficult time with homesickness last year but wanted to go back and is a little scared but very optimistic. We were talking about the upcoming year and she told me that she is scared that if she does too well, I would be hurt. I was able to reassure her that it was time for her to make her own life and nothing would make me happier than to see her happy and thriving. I told my T about it this morning and then told him I hate when I have to listen to myself. Smiler He asked me if that had resonated with me and I was able to talk about sometimes feeling guilty, that he had done so much for me and now I was just going to walk away. He talked about being able to see it from both sides and understand how you could not want someone gone but could want them to go because it was time and there was so much waiting for them. Actually, seeing things from both sides was a theme that ran through the session. At one point, my T spoke quite movingly about knowing that there is caring, and compassion and empathy on the other side of the boundaries, even if we don’t always get to see it. That there are many different kinds of connections and that love takes many forms. I think it is the closest I’ll come to hearing him say he loves me. Which here at the end, I am very grateful to realize, I am finally sure of.

We moved in and out of so many different emotions and moments of both tears and laughter. My T is continuing to do what he has always done so well. Hold still and create a safe place where all my feelings can be heard. All of them, the feelings of accomplishment and excitement, and the fear and the sorrow. I was able to tell him that on one level I realized that very little would change; he would still by my therapist, I just wouldn’t know when I was seeing him again. But on the other hand, I knew this was a significant milestone and I wanted to allow myself to experience it that way. He asked me what I wanted in our final session and I told him I didn’t have the faintest idea.That my goal was to stay present and experience the goodbye. That my normal goodbyes way too often consisted of devaluing the connection in order to leave and I didn’t want to do that. I started crying and ending up choking out “Damn it, I’m just no good at goodbyes.”

I’m struggling so hard to put this into words, but my heart is very full and so much of this feels inexpressible. We talked about the whole journey, of facing the deprivation and loss, of hitting the boundaries and the anger of once again feeling deprived, of finally being able to know that I could heal and go on and no longer live deprived. I was really overcome at that point and my T said “take your time” which he usually does when I start to get emotional because I still can have a tendency to just move past the emotion and I was crying for a minute or so and he very gently said “AG, what are you feeling?” and I looked up and said 9/10th gratitude and 1/10 grief. I’m not sure there is a sound in the world I love better than when he says my name.Everything just feels so poignant and bittersweet. We talked about how very powerful the experience has been but also how very difficult it is to put into words. That the theraputic relationship takes on so many aspects: parental, lover, friend, but that in the end it’s unique and impossible to classify as anything but itself. And then we talked about it being a safe place to bring all my feelings. I had told him earlier that he was so interwoven into who I was now, yet I felt more myself than I had ever been. We talked about all the different emotions and were quiet, then I looked at him and very quietly said “I just didn’t expect to love you so deeply or that you would come to mean so much to me.” And he said that was part of what was so powerful, that the relationship had come to mean that while still helping me to become more myself. That there was no enmeshment or confusion even with the deep feelings. He is so calm and accepting about how I feel about him and what he means to me; it is so hard to describe what that feels like, but it’s incredibly precious.

Near the end I told him that I had written a poem about leaving and that I wanted to read it to him. That I was very nervous and self-conscious about it (it’s one thing to write prose, I write for a living, but poetry that expresses my deep, vulnerable emotions? Excruiating!) He very kindly stopped me and said he didn’t want to rush through it, that he wanted there to be time to express any feelings that came up, so I decided to save it for our last appt. I told him again that as well as I understood the boundaries and knew how necessary they are, I hated that it had to be that way.

We got up and made our last appointment together and then we shook hands goodbye as usual but with a very warm look. Actually he was so tender and kind throughout the session that I felt very connected with him. Which again is wonderful but painful.He told me to hang in there, in a way which told me that he really does understand just how hard this is for me. I went down to my car and sat and cried for awhile. This isn’t going to be easy. But I’m still not feeling any doubts about going. I’m even grateful for the sadness, because that’s what it is, no more, no less. There’s a quote from the end of the Lord of the Rings, that describes Frodo, Bilbo and Sam as they ride to their last parting which describes it perfectly: “filled with a sadness that was yet blessed and without bitterness” which describes it perfectly. I am struggling to accept the loss as part of the unspeakably rich and life-giving experience this relationship has been for me.

Now if I can just manage to not throw myself on the floor and cling to his ankles next time...Big Grin

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Your post made me cry. You have come so far, my dear! Smiler You should be proud of yourself, and I hope you are!! This is amazing stuff to read.

At one point, my T spoke quite movingly about knowing that there is caring, and compassion and empathy on the other side of the boundaries, even if we don’t always get to see it. That there are many different kinds of connections and that love takes many forms. I think it is the closest I’ll come to hearing him say he loves me. Which here at the end, I am very grateful to realize, I am finally sure of.

Smiler This is precious. Made my heart skip a few beats for you!

I looked at him and very quietly said “I just didn’t expect to love you so deeply or that you would come to mean so much to me.” And he said that was part of what was so powerful, that the relationship had come to mean that while still helping me to become more myself. That there was no enmeshment or confusion even with the deep feelings. He is so calm and accepting about how I feel about him and what he means to me; it is so hard to describe what that feels like, but it’s incredibly precious.

This is where I envy you so much. You are very blessed to have this.

I went down to my car and sat and cried for awhile. This isn’t going to be easy. But I’m still not feeling any doubts about going. I’m even grateful for the sadness, because that’s what it is, no more, no less. There’s a quote from the end of the Lord of the Rings, that describes Frodo, Bilbo and Sam as they ride to their last parting which describes it perfectly: “filled with a sadness that was yet blessed and without bitterness” which describes it perfectly. I am struggling to accept the loss as part of the unspeakably rich and life-giving experience this relationship has been for me.

Thank you for sharing all of this with us. It is so beneficial to me to read about your journey with your therapist, with all the pain, the heartache, and the good times as well. Your growth is something I can see through all of your posts up through this one and it just gives me so much hope and courage to keep pushing forward, even though I don't have the best T or the ideal therapeutic frame to work with. I hope that I can have the same sort of courage and perseverance that you have and come out on top one day as I see you doing for yourself here. Way to go, AG! Big Grin And I'm sure you'll do great at your final session. Best of luck to you. And thanks for the quote from LOTR. Brought more tears to my eyes. Your last session date IS very fitting. Smiler

Oh, WOW, AG. Big Grin (as I'm struck dumb, all I'm left with is this highly inadequate remark, after such an eloquent and moving post Roll Eyes Let me try again.)

Thank you so much for taking the time to share this with us. Especially considering that you are feeling torn and partly wanting NOT to talk about it.

I agree with what so many others have said: This is how therapy is SUPPOSED to be, generally speaking. Personally, I think your "missives" on this forum, the ones having to do with your own personal therapy with this T, should be made into a textbook which is required reading for therapists-in-training. Big Grin

And just as importantly, if I could think of a way to make it required reading for patients, I would suggest that, too. Because as critical as his getting it right has been, your T isn't the only one who got this right. You did, too. Big Grin And you deserve a lot of credit for that, m'lady. Big Grin One of the things I've seen you point out to others is that therapy isn't for the faint of heart. And THEN, I've seen you demonstrate that courage over and over again, by walking directly (and okay, sometimes not so directly...but still generally forward Big Grin ) into the firestorm of your memories and emotions, especially of loss and grieving, the heat of which would have sent many people running away. Frowner Watching your persistence and diligence, and at the same time, reading your honesty about how painful this all was for you, has been more inspirational to me than I can ever say. You make me want to be brave, too. Razzer And I've seen it inspire so many others here to keep on going, especially when it gets hard. I just feel really honored and privileged to know you. Smiler
“filled with a sadness that was yet blessed and without bitterness”

I would really like to be able to experience necessary sadness that is blessed and not bitter. It sounds like you'd be able to experience ANY thing and not have it destroy you. It sounds like true freedom. Not freedom from pain, but freedom from being trapped by it. Which in turn opens you up to all kinds of joyful experiences too. Smiler

And I loved all the other connections you made to Lord of the Rings. Every time I watch it I'm going to think of you and this forum. Big Grin Thank you, AG.

""We talked about the whole journey, of facing the deprivation and loss, of hitting the boundaries and the anger of once again feeling deprived, of finally being able to know that I could heal and go on and no longer live deprived."" ag

ag, it seems to me, that this is that last piece of the puzzle. the piece at the end of the tunnel that i don't quite know what will look like until i find it, but, i think you found it. living through the deprivation and having the power and resources within to live through it without feeling deprived. oh, if it were that easy to get my emotions over that scary threshold. i sometimes sense i can 'handle it', but then wonder if i am minimizing or deflecting or any of my other creative ways of avoiding pain. to just sit there in the pain, without desparation, and, maybe, without disappointment?? is that possible?? i don't know that i will ever quit wanting that intangible thing. maybe one just quits looking for it in every face that crosses my path. i think i am getting to this point, of not looking for it everywhere and being disappointed when it is not complete. but, i dunno, i think my emotional brain is scared to really peak out from under the rock it is hiding under.

so glad you are where you are, and that you share it with us. it is a beautiful thing, the relationship with a t...i hope one day to find a fit. i worry i won't, that i will quit trying before i find it. that i may have already quit, that no one will ever really 'get it' with me, and that i just can't audition any one any more to that inner being that is so unheard and misunderstood, and, yes, ANGRY!!!! and .... oh, i, dorothy, we are not anywhere NEAR kansas!! not home yet, jill. still in south america i expect. dang it!!!

i am truly happy for you, ag. you are a kind soul, and hats off to you, girl!!

AG, with the others I'd like to thank you for sharing this, so bittersweet and so generously with makes such a huge difference to so many, how much your story does impact...I wonder often how many people your story is helping? Even if it helped just one, it would matter greatly, but I believe you are helping many more than that by sharing so generously! Congratulations to you, dear AG, on your impending graduation. You have certainly fought the good fight.


Oh AG you are so good at articulating things so beautifully and meaningfully. I'm kind of lost for words here, all sorts of good feelings for you and your journey - I want to say how much I appreciate what you're sharing here, and what you've shared about your experiences and learning since first posting here. You are like a guiding light on how good therapy works - a true inspiration.

Thank you.


Thank you for expressing so clearly how your session went - you have inspired us here who are stuck in the highs and lows of our therapy journeys, to see how there can be an end that is complete and fulfilling. The maturity and sensitivity of your relationship with your T has always shone through and we have learned so much from that.

Good luck with your last sesion AG and your 'independent from T' life ahead Smiler

Thank you all so much, your replies really touched me deeply, I feel almost overwhelmed by all the affirmation.

Thanks so much. I agree about my T, I've been trying to talk him into writing a book, but he keeps telling me that it's more about his being with a patient, that he doesn't think he could really explain the process. I keep telling him a lot of Ts could learn a lot from him. The man is too modest, trust me. Smiler

I've been trying to figure out what to do after my last session. I normally see my T at 8:30 in the morning but I asked for an evening appt because I didn't want to have to go into the office. He gave me a 5:30 appt. I know I'm going to want some time afterwards, I'm just not sure for what. Big Grin Alot of possibilities have occurred to me, from just going home to going out for a few stiff drinks. LOL. I think I just may leave my evening open with no commitments to be anywhere so I can do what feels right at the time. I am however, anticipating some crying. Smiler It's also crossed my mind that I just go down to the parking lot and put in an emergency call to my T. Smiler

Thank you. And please know that I am keenly aware of how very blessed I am to have this. I have changed in ways and reached places that I never would have believed possible. I hope to never pass a day that I am not grateful for what I have been given. I am so glad that reading about my journey helps you (and doesn't just scare you off! Big Grin) And thank you for understanding about the date. I know it could sound kind of strange but I first read LOTR when I was 14 and have read it something like 17 times (I was VERY excited when the movies came out!) and the book has always meant a great deal to me. It's come up a lot in therapy and as I have healed I have come to understand why the book resonated with me on so many levels. So the ending date just feels like a grace note on the end of therapy.

Thank you, it's easy to be a great example when working with a T like I have. It's still a bit of a shock to realize I have actually reached a point where I feel ready to leave. And I'm glad the word bittersweet already existed or I would have had to invent it. Smiler

Powerful and sacred is the perfect way to describe it. I really do feel that my Ts office is a sacred place, consecrated by the work we've done there and the healing that's been done. We are both acutely aware that healing comes from a source outside of both of us. I think it's why this moves in me on such a deep level that it's sometimes beyond words. And yes, it's very sweet. And I am remembering to breathe, it's something my T reminds me of all the time. Big Grin

Thank you, it was realizing that he would ALWAYS be my T that has allowed me to leave. I'm very grateful that he practices the way he does and leaves his door open. The one that flabbergasts me is that he has told me it's ok to call anytime. He may regret saying that. Big Grin

Thank you. I swear I am blushing so hard after reading what you wrote that you should be able to see the glow in Minnesota. Big Grin. You really are too kind. But you don't need my help being brave, you've more than enough courage to spare of your own. But thank you, what you wrote made for lovely reading. Razzer

Thank you, please know that there were plenty of feelings of desparation and anger and hurt and fear and you name it while working through this. The deprivation inherent to therapy is what led me to the grieving I needed to do, but it was a difficult long struggle and I am still letting go. I am leaving because I am finally attempting to accept that I cannot have anything beyond the boundaries with my T. That can still be pretty painful. But at the same time, healing from that deprivation in my childhood has freed me up to move in ways I couldn't before and open myself up to life in ways I didn't possess before because now I know I can face what comes. I hope that your perseverance pays off and you can find a T that can take you where my T has taken me.

Thank you, you always give me the quotes I've always longed to hear. "Fought the good fight" meant so much to hear. I love the thought that my story would have impact on other people, that God could bring good out of the evil that was done to me. I do believe that in the end, even if we may not be able to see it, that good will triumph, being able to be even a small part of that is truly a blessing. It's good to have you back. (((BB)))

Thank you. I don't feel like a guiding light, more like a guttering candle. Smiler I appreciate your gratitude (and everyone else's!) for my sharing, but please know that I am SO grateful to have all of you to share this with, that I can talk about this to people who can understand.

Thank you, I appreciate the well wishes as I venture out, I'll take all the help I can get!

Thanks! I'm glad that my ending can provide hope because I truly believe it's possible for everyone to heal.

Thank you all again for coming with me on this journey and being so generous in your responses. Being able to come here and get your support was no small part of my being able to heal.

I'm feeling a lot better today, a lot of the sadness has passed and I'm still feeling a deep sense of peace about my decision. I'm sure I'll have a lot to say after my last session. Big Grin

hi AG! don't think i said hello before although i've read a few of your posts, which really impressed and resonated with me. some also brought back some painful and longing memories but memories that i wanted back anyway.

i know the bittersweet feelings you are talking about, although for me it is a break rather than termination. a part of me was ready to go and a part of me wasnt'. but i have been planning this trip and adventure on my own for a while now so i tried to postpone till all of me was ready but in the end i went even though i wasn't quite ready. i'm away for about 9months or more (or less) depending how it goes.

your posts really helped me to see that i wasn't really ready (which i knew) but also gave me hope that i will be ready one day and that i shouldn't force it. the last few sessions were such a painful time for me as well, but i love how you describe the positive feelings as well.

i really hope the last session goes well for you and you cherish the goodbye and all the good memories. for me it didn't go so well, i'm pretty bad at goodbyes too and i just freaked out. i couldn't even take the hug she offered, i just wanted to run away. i didn't physically run but i wasn't really there, although i was trying so hard, but it was too much for me. anyway, goodbyes are really important, i hope you get the goodbye that you deserve, but i have a feeling that you will. i look forward to hearing more about it.

Hi Sheychen,
Thank you for asking, and even more for your best wishes. But please remember to breathe. Big Grin

If I'm honest, I'm having a pretty difficult time today. At least some of it is that I'm running behind on sleep and my older daughter's first really serious relationship just ended so she has been calling home quite frequently pretty upset which is adding to the stress. Work is also getting very stressful. We're heading into a beta release (I work for a small software company) and my workload is really ramping up and more rapidly than I expected. I started working overtime today and I'm looking at 10 to 12 hour days from now until mid-November. I knew this was going to happen but I didn't think it was really going to kick in until after my last appt with my T. So it's a little scary knowing that I'm going to have to handle leaving therapy while undergoing a stressful busy time at work.

But to clear away the fog, the closer the date gets the more scared I am getting. I keep my calender in Outlook on my computer and my main page always displays my next three appts and it just so happened that today my schedule cleared enough, that my last appt with my T appeared on my main page. It brought the reality crashing in. Left brain, I know I'm ready to be on my own and I'm going to be fine without my T. Right brain, it's so scary to know I'm leaving. It's painful because I know how much I'm going to miss him and it's kicking up this absolutely primitive fear that I won't be able to actually carry through and leave (and how embarrassing would that be). I'm feeling a little trapped and panicky. Which leads to the thought that nothing says I have to go on the 22nd. BUT I know, I KNOW that this is going to be what it feels like whenever I leave and I know its time.

I am re-reading all my journals that I started when I started working with my T and it's really good to see where I've been and how far I've come but it's also stirring up a lot of powerful emotions as I remember what I've gone through and how painful and confusing it could be. It's made me remember how much I needed to depend on my T at one time in order to heal and I don't think that's helping the fear I'm experiencing at the thought of doing without him. But I know this is just my past and that here and now I have nothing to fear about going. I wish my amygdala would listen. Roll Eyes I came very close to calling my T today but basically got too busy. My husband and I are seeing him together on Wednesday night for what will probably be our last couples' session (my husband is going to return to doing individual therapy with our T and I thought it would be easier for right now not to see him at all). It's comforting knowing I'm going to see him but it's also part of the goodbye. I want to get this over with and at the same time I want time to halt so that I never get to the day.

So that's where I'm at right now. But still feeling very determined. I am just hoping that I am able to carry through when it actually comes down to it. Thanks again for asking.

Hi Puppet,
It's lovely to meet you, thanks for saying hi as I know we haven't spoken yet. I'm really glad that reading my posts has helped you to clarify where you're at and what you want to do going forward. Nine months is a long time, you are very courageous to face this.

I am sorry you had such a difficult time with the goodbye. I really do understand. I saw my first therapist, a woman, for several runs of therapy over a 20+ year period and the first time I ended therapy with her, I pulled a disappearing act. I had been attending group therapy (she was one of two facilitators) and when it ended I didn't schedule another appt, I just disappeared. She was very gracious about taking me back when I showed up a few years later and I promised myself I would NOT do that again. So when she told me she was retiring three years ago, I was very committed to seeing it through. I did and it was difficult but a good ending. We were able to share how much the relationship had meant to both of us and I carry her with me and many good memories of our relationship with me still. But there was a lot I was not able to express because it was too scary. My deep desire is that I will be present for this goodbye, allowing myself to feel all of my feelings int the moment. That I can leave bearing my sorrow but also carrying the incredible treasure this relationship has been for me. And oh yes, I'd like to avoid kicking on the floor and holding onto my T's legs for dear life. Big Grin

Thank you for sharing your experience, it really affirms for me that what I'm doing and how I'm trying to do it are really worthwhile and worth the pain that I also feel.

((((Sarah)))) I saw your post before you deleted it but didn't have time to reply earlier as work was so busy. Thank you so much sweetie, you have no idea how lovely reading what you wrote made me feel. Thank you so much. And I will admit to having very watery eyes these days, but not all tears are evil. I am crying from a full heart and it can be very healing. Take care of yourself and all the other children.

AG - you are great at writing about it, I still urge you to make it all into a book for people like me so fully in it. There ARE no books out there on this attachment stuff written by people who really KNOW. I would appreciate it so much.
I have 8 more days to go before I see my T next. Yesterday she was so kind to me, she said all the things you would want your T to say, like how deeply she cares for all the different parts of me and how she would NEVER judge me or leave me in pain if she could be of help and how she is creating good safe boundaries to help me become the person I can be and that she is only doing that because she cares so much. And darn it, i could admit that the reason i am probably railing at her so much at the moment, is that when I let in that she DOES deeply care, the hurt parts of me begin to surface and that is so painful that I am trying to push her away, convince myself and even her that she is a useless therapist. I also feel I am provoking her to PROVE whether she cares or not, and she was provoked yesterday, she said how she was a bit thrown by me posting HER emails on MY blog, for the world to see and discuss. (yes, I admit little me was very pleased with myself) and that I say she does not read my blog when infact she puts aside about an hour a week to read it and then takes about an hour to process it, as there is some pretty strong stuff there ... and so yes, heck, she cares. She does care. Where does that leave me. Feeling much better. I feel safe with her, she is really going to hang on in there when or if it gets tough or messy or yukky. she does not seem like she is going to hurt me or abuse me or reject me. I feel better after all that reassurance yesterday. /adn she said of the week before's session that in retrospect she thought she would have been better off not saying anything and just reassuring me that she cared, as that is all I wanted. I think that is spot on. I have written a blog entry about Sunday which was a healing day for me. I might post it here, hugs
Hi AG,

I admire your determination to continue despite the grief and stress you're feeling!  And I also admire your resolve in knowing that it's the right time for you to leave.  That seems like it would be a very hard thing to gauge because I think we sometimes get blinded by the comfort of having our T there for us that we lose sight of our own ability to cope with life from our own strengths.

I had wondered if you were going to continue with couples therapy, so I'm sure it makes it slightly easier (emphasis on slightly!) to leave since you won't have to see him on a non-individual basis. That seems like it would be even harder than leaving completely!  To help with the increase in work hours and the stress that comes with that, do you think it would help you if you called your T just to talk about a few things?  Well, maybe even just keeping that option open and allowing yourself the chance to call your T while you're under so much stress might help enough that you don't even have to make the call. 

Anyway, I'm kind of rambling here... Take care!


I don't think we've crossed paths yet, so hi. Smiler I just wanted to say that I think it's great that you got such a supportive and validating response from your T, and I'm very glad that you can know that she does care about you.

Thank you so much for keeping us posted with your progress AG, you continue to be an inspiration (whether you like it or not Big Grin).
I can really understand those mixed feelings that you will have as next Wednesday will be a big adjustment for you not to have a date of your next session popping up - that is a safety net always isn't it?....That old mindset of 'Whatever happens, just get through til.....' But AG, there will be for you a different safety net - YOU! You have learned so much from your T and gained so many life skills, you can now rely on yourself Smiler YEA Big Grin

So get to Wednesday, wibbles and wobbles along the way, and then listen to the cheers from here, as you step out solo Smiler Smiler Smiler


And don't give yourself a hard time if you need to go back for the occasional advice or support .....that won't diminish your achievement at all.
Thank you so much for the encouragement and support! I so appreciate everyone's confidence in me, it really helps when I'm not having any confidence in myself. I ended up sending an email last night to my T telling him about being scared and sad and he replied to me today with an incredibly attuned, understanding email. It really restored my hope and joy. Don't get me wrong, I'm still going to be a mess next Wednesday, I don't think there's any way around that. But I know it's going to be ok in the end. Big Grin


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