Yakusoko- he was just lovely today. It feels like the very little me that has been so much on her guard and hidden and not really allowed to be, is now out and playing and burbling away to him about anything and everything and he just sits back and feel fine with it. I actually felt like I was being held by him in the session, safe and heard and cared about and helped and just such kindness.
I teased him today too. About his car, about my recordings ; he asked what I do with the recordings - and I was still coming in and sitting down, a few minutes late so rushing. So I said, " oh I post them on the internet" to which he looked thrown, I left it for three seconds and then said ' joke'. Well, it made ME laugh.
I did explain I sometimes post from them here, or on my blog but I hide both our identities and you know what he said? He said " Well, I trust you on this one so as long as you are protecting our identities, I am fine to just trust you on your judgement here." At which point i slightly panicked and said ' but my boundaries are really weak on things like this, I don;t know where the boundary is!" and he said, well - just see how it goes.
It is like being held with such gentleness. He said lots of positive things today, like ' YOu were immensely resourceful in india" - have not listened to the recording yet. Might post more when I have.
he is so not frightened by the intensity of the heart ache/pain of the youngest parts of me, he just seems to understand me. I said that I feel so grateful to know him. I feel very fortunate to have a lovely husband, lovely children, lovely home, and really sweet psychologist to talk to.
have to go to bed as it is the big day tomorrow and have to get my outfit sorted. Oh where did I put my wedding invite? LOL