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Hi all, I'm new here. I couldn't introduce myself because I really want to write about the thing in my mind as quickly as possible. I'm really angry with my therapist.

He wanted me to try a group therapy. He had been asking for three weeks. He wasn't the therapist of the group. And it was Bert Hellinger's family constellations I guess. I didn't stay till the end.

I'm a nontheist. And all the talk of the group therapist was fate and God during the group therapy. To be honest, I'm really impressed by the telepathic communication in the group. But about the discourse of the therapist, I should have been informed and get prepared.

I just cannot see how my own T didn't see this approach of mine to this issue coming. He knows I'm not religious. I feel betrayed and so angry. I should have known the discourse frame and make my own decision on whether to participate or not. Am I making a big deal out of the situation? Aghh... I am so angry.
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Thank you Liese. But in fact I didn't know if I wanted to attend it or not since I didn't know what it was. I just trusted my T. Maybe I would have liked to give it a try for the sake of the interesting side of that kind of a therapy, but, also I would have been ready for it if I had known beforehand. It seems so thoughtless to me that the T hadn't warned me about it.
Thank you, Cat. Wow, it feels so good already. This is the best platform ever.

The T had explained the style of the group therapy, but not in this way. I don't know maybe he just wanted me to keep an open mind so he didn't tell the fatalism part. However it shouldn't have been like this.

The T is really good in fact. He made me remember a childhood trauma, the death of my primary school deskmate at the age of 6 with EMDR. I just don't get how he overlooked such an important point on his referral, as you say.
I think I would be somewhat offended if my T referred me for family constellations, simply because I don't put much stock in it as a method. But maybe your T referred you without knowing that the group leader was going to go on and on about God and fate? I don't think those are necessarily part of the main point of what family constellations are supposed to be about...
Originally posted by BLT:
But maybe your T referred you without knowing that the group leader was going to go on and on about God and fate?

I hope so, because I need to trust him more than ever. I have to wait before seeing him again, due to my money issues. I'm looking forward to hearing his reasons.
Originally posted by BLT:
I don't think those are necessarily part of the main point of what family constellations are supposed to be about...

I totally agree with you. The audience or the possible diversity in the audience could be considered.

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