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Hello everyone,

I am in a very weird place in my life. I have done intensive therapy in the past but I stopped about a year ago. The therapist I was seeing back then is someone I had done therapy with for 6 years, and it just stopped being helpful or the right fit anymore. I needed something she couldn't do. I tried to find a new therapist, but it didn't work, despite many efforts. I haven't really done any regular outpatient therapy for the past year. I went through a very traumatic experience in January of this year. It culminated in two trials this past month that I testified in. In Feburary, I did find a counselor that saw me briefly and upon my request, reffered me to an intenstive inpatient PTSD treatment program out of state. I was inpatient for 29 days and it was really helpful. I was only going to go for two weeks. (I didn't even think I would stay for three days!) While I was there, my brand new therapist was told by my insurance to dump my care, they would find someone better fitted to my needs, and she did. The treatment facility was very upset and so was I. My insurance never did find anyone else, and we went to court about it and they were ordered by the judge to find the treatment I needed. They have not followed through. I could go back to court, but after having to go through the two trials that I testified in, and everyone finding out what was done to me, family and friends have come out of the woodwork offering to help pay for treatment.

I'm actually sort of ok right now... Sort of. I had a lot of non-therapy support to get through the past few months and it really deeply impacted me, along with the inpatient treatment I did in March. I hope to go back and do more treatment with the PTSD at the same place when life gets settled out. For now, I just want to stay steady. I actually feel better than I have in years. I finally feel like I am not in survival mode, battling my mind almost every second of the day. The only thing I can attribute this change to is the significant treatment I did in March and several very healing relationships that were formed to get through the trials.

I was also diagnosed with a serious autoimmune disease over the past 6 months, and was hospitalized for medical reasons related to it. About the same time that my mental health began to changes, so did my physical health. I was able to delay pretty intense treatment until after the trials, and I just started that intense medical treatment on Friday. I'm doing ok for now. It's rough, but emotionally, I'm pulling through it ok.

For some odd reason I'm scared I will sabatoge the positive progress in my life. Something is really disorienting about suddenly not being in survival mode anymore. This makes me want to go back into therapy ASAP. But I am very protective of the place I am in. I Have tried to find therapists, but I stopped about 4 months ago because it just was deeply triggering and it wasn't making is dramatically harder to get through the legal matters I WAS dealing with (oddly enough.) I'm scared to try again. I don't want to go backwards. Not right now.

But I have this strange and odd fear every day that I will sabatoge the new good place my life is in. It is the last thing I want to do...

I'm not sure how to find a therapist who could help me with this, or if I even should. I would very much welcome any ideas anyone might have.

Thank you for letting me share and post.

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Hi Lizzie,

Just wanted to say welcome. It is a bit quiet around here on the weekend. Hopefully there will be more responses once the work week gets started again.

I think if things are going well enough right now, I would just try to enjoy it. Keep your eyes and ears open for news of new therapists in your area. Hopefully you will come upon someone when you are ready and in need of going back to therapy. I took an 18 year break and am now back in therapy. There were just some things I wasn't ready to address then that are really pressing on me now.

Good luck and welcome to the boards.

Hi Jillann,
Thank you for the welcome! I like the idea of keeping an eye out for a good therapist. I hope there is one that I find eventually.

Hi The Kid,
This place does seem pretty great, because all of you are so amazing! I wish I was half as courageous and everyone here. I also wish I could bottle these feelings and hold on to them forever.

I guess it is new for me to feel like someone sought to protect me, fight for me. Today I feel odd moments of panic. I suppose there was a bit of transference and attachment with one person in particular who really supported me through the legal mess. She is an attorney and I think I kind of miss her. It also seems like there is more going on. I am so used to survival mode that now I feel a bit lost and not sure what to do with myself. Today I tried to work on things for my job (I am a grant writer) at a nearby library. I used to go to the basement of this library to email this attorney and sort of hide from the world as an emotional escape from everything that I was trying survive. Today, as I walked up to the library, I began to panic. I have no idea why, it was quite strong. I felt this sense of loss that scared me. So instead I went somewhere else. Things are safe and good now, and yet I feel lost and empty.

I think I am a mess. Thank you for letting me share here.

Hi Lizzie,

Welcome! I'm sorry about what you've gone through. I can understand, and relate to, the confusion and unease you feel. And shopping for a T is such an emotionally demanding process, I understand you don't want it to destabilize you at this point in your life.
I'm with Jillann about trying to enjoy this good place you're in AND keeping your eyes - and heart - open for possible support T-wise.
Good thing you came to this place. We can try to help make you feel a bit less lost
Hi Lizzie and welcome.

I'm sorry you are dealing with all of this right now. I had a couple of thoughts - but of course I don't know your whole situation.

First, I have never heard of an insurance company stepping in and getting that involved in what therapist someone chooses. If your T had the basic qualifications to be doing therapy, it is odd to me that they would "fire" - meaning refuse to pay for? - your T and further to say that they will find you an appropriate T! I'm going to guess that you are with an HMO - I've never had that kind of insurance so don't know how they operate.

Did insurance step in because you were having expensive inpatient treatment and they thought they could minimize that if you had a T who was good enough?

I also wanted to tell you that I developed a stress-triggered autoimmune disease a couple of years ago, and along with other things, it got so severe that I ended up going to a special program for inpatient treatment last fall. It was fantastic. They were very involved in planning the treatment I would need when I got home, so if the place you went had suggested a therapist with a different kind of treatment, that would not be surprising to me.

SO: you sound like you are having a hard time right now - would it be appropriate or helpful or possible to go back to the same program for a "tune up"? If not - could that place assist you in finding a T where you live? Even though the place I went was a long long way from where I live, the Drs knew lots of people all over the country. There are many people who were trained at this place scattered across the country that they tap for recommendations. Some of the staff also worked in other cities and so know people.

It does sound to me like you need to find someone ASAP even if they aren't a perfect fit. At least they could keep an eye on you and judge how much difficulty you are having.

Please keep us posted!

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