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Not sure if this is transference or not.

I have started a new job, there are a few people that I get on really well with and want to be in their company and talk to them all the time. They listen to me, joke with me and I think, genuinely like me. When I am not there or when one of them is off for the day, it makes me feel a bit lonely and I actually "miss" them. I have the same sort of feelings towards my counsellor, when I leave him I feel like there is a pit in my stomach.

what are these feelings?
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Hi Scarzee

It sounds like you have found somewhere to get your need for good old fashioned human connection met, and it makes you feel good. To be with others who listen, have a laugh with you and like you is something we all need; and yup, your T doubtless provides that too. Perhaps you don't have that same feeling at home with your family? It makes sense to me you'd miss it when your colleagues aren't there.

I don't know if it's transference or not; but I do hope you can find the same feelings of acceptance in other areas of your life so that you don't miss your T and your work colleagues quite so much. Hug two

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