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Hey sweet Draggles,
I am so glad your dear daughter is OK. I so totally get your fear and concern for her well-being given how terribly hard this all has just been for you. It is so totally normal to want to protect and keep our kids safe from danger, especially when we have had to see them suffer. Please be kind to yourself right now as you are still feeling all the repercussions.

Sure am thinking about you and sending big giant hugs and love your way, xxxx Hug two

Take care of yourself and your daughter. People PM you because you are likable, nurturing and giving but you need to take care of yourself and set boundaries more consistently so that you don't get overwhelmed. You have to protect your space, for your sake and for your children's sake.

I must have missed something too because I don't know about any drama. If there is some drama going on behind the scenes, perhaps one of the moderators could step in and handle it. It shouldn't be your responsibility. It's not your responsibility. Don't feel bad for taking time to yourself.
(((Draggers))) Know where you're at regarding not being able to be here much and be safe/ok at the same time right now. It can be hard not to feel bad about not answering when others are hurting, because of getting triggered, not posting much, or only on threads that won't feel too upsetting at the moment. You'd never begrudge any of us taking care of ourselves in that way; nor do we judge you. What I see...just someone who is hurting and fighting through best they can. But, in a war, no one fights 24/7. There are individual battles, then they return to camp to rest and heal as much as they're able. In the meantime, if anyone needs someone to talk to, I'm around, just simply have a hard time with my stuff being out in the open right now, so feel free to send a message.

Please take care of yourself. You certainly didn't need to come back and explain but you did. Your post was honest and touching. Thank you for sharing. I certainly don't see you as a carefree bitch and I don't think anyone else does either. I can't mirror that sense of yourself back to you because it's not what I see. Please try to hold onto the good in yourself.

(((Draggers))) being on the same kind of break, due to some family stuff and the intensity of my own work, I applaud you attending to yourself. 1) it's a very healthy and legitimate thing to do. You are responsible for your own needs and you are attending to them. It models good boundaries for everyone else. 2) it makes me feel less guilty. Big Grin

Everyone will be fine Draggers, take care of yourself. Hug two

Love, AG

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