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I have been reading posts far more than I have been posting lately... its actually been so painful to post and to reply to others as I find so many experiences of others very triggering for me now. I feel badly about seeking support with little to offer, though here I am again... probably with a ton to read through given that its really been backing up. Sorry for the length.

My therapist has been out of the office and on medical leave since January (she has a chronic illness)... her absence has been tremendously difficult for me.... triggering MAJOR abandonment issues. Anyway in my current T's absence I have been seeing her colleague whom she shares an office with. My T actually supervises this colleague, so T is regularly updated on my progress. I have also been in contact with my T as I send her an e-mail once a week with healing cheer. In my messages to her, I never include anything personal, I simply let her know that I continue to think about her and send her healing energy. So, she pretty much replies to me every week on the day that I send the message to thank me for the get well messages. This small exchange has felt very vital to me in having a sense that there is some connection that remains between us.

So recently things have changed in three significant ways that are impacting me significantly:

1. Back in February, I was encouraged by my substitute T to drop my T a small e-mail, sharing just a bit about how I was feeling around her absence... being that my Sub T - spoke with my T on a regular basis, I figured that sub T was probably in a pretty good position to make that call... assessing that my T was in a place where she would be open to hearing it and would be able to easy my anxiety just a bit around her absence. So with some reservation, I wrote my T a brief email. My T wrote me back and said that she received my e-mail and that she'd stated that she'd get back to me 'soon', even if it was not on the same day. Well I NEVER heard from T again around that topic... I would have felt sad but would have totally understood if she'd replied and said something along the lines of ... I understand your fear/anxiety but am not in a place where I can reply now please continue to check-in with sub T around it... simply stating that she couldn't reply would have been so much more than her telling me that she was going to reply and never replying. I continued with my regular Monday morning healing cheer e-mails and it was never mentioned again. So this has really hurt me.

2. My T hears from sub T, eight weeks into this ordeal that I have relapsed (si) for the first time since her absence. So T responds to me directly via e-mail in such a manner that I took as very attacking and I felt livid for an entire week. I felt that she'd never acknowledged how hard I'd been working and had been successful in taking care of myself... and now she wants to comment on my si. I was enraged. So I speak with sub T around it and she points out that maybe how I read her e-mail may have not been in fact what my T had been intending to communicate. She again encouraged me to write to T (this has all happened this week) to get some clarification on her intention of sending the e-mail to me. So me, feeling weary and timid around my lack of response from my e-mail in February, I still decide that maybe this is a good idea, I can be short and sweet, and simply ask my T what she was intending to communicate in her e-mail commenting on my relapse because I may have misread her e-mail out of context. Again, my T has not responded and I think she won't respond. So again, I feel really badly and really hurt but have finally learned my lesson... I should not listen to sub T's suggestions, even though she is in regular contact with T and they discuss me... apparently, T does not communicate to sub T that she does not want to have to address any issues with me (now of course this totally makes sense given that T is on medical leave). I'd only sent the e-mail because I thought it was okay and that T would be receptive based on what sub T had been communicating to me.

3. I think I like subT more than I like T... maybe like is not a good word. I think it would be more accurate for me to say that I think that I can work better with sub T around my trauma issues than with T. I've only worked with sub T for 9-10 weeks or so, but in this period she has offered me more consistency and reliability and containment than my current T has offered in the last 2.5 yrs of working with her. Apart from these incidences that have occured, I feel that sub T's word is solid... if she tells me she is going to do something I can count on her to be good by her word (this has historically not been the case with T). Also sub T is far more consistent and clearer in her communication than T. Even though I absolutely adore and am attached to T (but not securely), I recognize that she cannot/does not provide me with the safety that I need to work on deeper issues. She's fabulous for lighter issues. So I am in a bit of a quandary of how to deal with this. Any ideas?

If you've gotten through reading this far... thanks for hearing me out. I know it was long.
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Nice to see you. Even though this has all been painful for you, it seems like you came to some really good conclusions re: emailing T and the content, etc. and what she will respond to and what she won't. I was pleasantly surprised to read that you think subT can help you more than regular T can. It sounds ideal since subT is there for you now and has been more consistent. Can you bring it up to subT and get her feedback? Perhaps you can ask her not to mention it to regular T unless you are okay with that?


Can you bring it up to subT and get her feedback? Perhaps you can ask her not to mention it to regular T unless you are okay with that?

I think this would be a really good idea. I mean, there is no reason why working through the inconsistency and your feelings of safety with subT vs T in your current therapy shouldn't be safe as long as you tell her that you would not like that information to be communicated, because it is something you are still processing and haven't made a decision on.

Frowner I'm sorry T has been letting you down. I think it sends a confusing message for her to comment on your relapse and then ignore your response to it. It may just be that the medical issues prevent her from addressing things appropriately, but I know it must be very hard on you.
Rightio Autumn. As i was reading it - I was having de javu about similar stuff happening to me.

The crux to this story is that you feel more comfortable with subT- that really makes me happy.

I was going to say first that I would email back to T and say that you had emailed twice - Feb and now on the precise recommendation of Sub T - you wouldn't have done if it had hadn't been pushed at you to do. And she hasn't replied both times and you are hurt and angry and confused. You thought that T and sub-t communicated about you and you thought there would be a bit of synergy between them - obviously not and you are caught in the middle.

BUT. if you are more comfortable with sub T - why not throw yourself into it and see how the attachment goes. It sounds like you are both off to a great start and have a great positive foundation to work with. Consistent T's who promise and deliver and are there time after time - are worth so much.

Sorry you have had a relapse and I am so annoyed that T came out of the woodwork just to make a comment - yet ignored the other stuff.

I am pleased to hear that your weekly emails to T are keeping you connected.

Never worry about not supporting people - no one keeps count of who does what Smiler You just do what you can when you can = if you want to.

BLT, Liese, Yakusoku, & SomeDays, thanks so much for reading my super long post and replying. Its meant a lot and your ideas of how to approach this have been helpful. One thing that is really coming up for me is this strange feeling of having some sort obligation to my regular T. Its almost as if I feel that I will hurt her feelings if I leave her... I think part of this has been triggered as a result of her knowledge that I was terminated by a former T who had also been chronically ill and felt like she could not deal with my needs upon her return. Being aware of this, I think my T intentionally conveyed that she has no intentions of dropping me... so it feels to me in some way that if she's not dropping me then I should not drop her... we should somehow stick together and work it out. The bottom line though is that its not going to work as I do need someone that can offer me more consistency and reliability than she has been able to offer.

The other thing that feels very odd and awkward to me is that I've been sending her weekly healing e-mails... so it feels to me to some degree hypocritical to be sending her so much wellness cheer and then for her to find out upon her return that I am not planning to work with her again... for some reason, that feels like it would feel hurtful. I also don't want to stop sending her wellness cheers because I really do care for her and want to continue to express my hope and good will towards her recovery. So this aspect all feels a bit odd and awkward to me as well.

Also, my current T and my subT share the same office space... so if I were to see subT on a regular basis, there is a high likelihood (80%-90% chance) that I would be encountering my current T frequently. That too would feel both very awkward and painful... I feel for both myself and for my current T.

So, I don't even know if subT would take me in as a client. I mean does she have a choice... could she simply say that she would prefer not to work with me until I get things worked out with current T? Or just simply that she was only offering her services as a sub, but is not interested in doing so on a regular basis? I have been feeling as though her supporting me during this time has been a favor to my T vs. something that revolved around my needs. It was strange because when I made my first appt. to actually see subT, I called to ask her permission to make an appt. It was really strange... I don't know where that was coming from... almost like I felt I was betraying my regular T in some way and wanted to make sure that it was okay to see subT.

It all feels a bit messy and confusing to me. I have an appt. with subT tomorrow so hopefully some of this can be explored.

Good luck to you. This situation would be quite difficult, especially working with a sub T and then having some attachment form. I think you are very brave to be admitting these feelings, and the fact that you can see your own needs in relation to working more effectively with sub T shows that it would be a good idea to follow your heart on this matter. I like what everyone said about discussing these feelings with subT, and of course, what my good friend Somedays said about throwing yourself into it. Smiler

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