My P and I are going to start working on my 'Anger' issues next week, and we are going to start with the anger and hate I have for my mother (whose been deceased since 1996). There are literally about 100+ reasons that I have these feelings, many of them insignificant and petty to even bring up. So I'm struggling with where to start - do I go back to the first thing I remember? Do I talk about things we've already talked about (abuse and neglect), or should I be looking for something deeper and more profound ?? Any insight out there?
This is how my last 2 sessions went with the P and how we decided to work on this topic ...
I had an extra session with my P this past Monday and in that session we had started to talk about my mother and the anger, hate and resentment I feel towards her. We looked at the resentment first because it is like tearing open an old wound everyday. I care for my 'adopted' developmentally and physically handicapped brother 24/7. He's lived with me since our mother passed away in 1996 (she left him to me in her Will .. he got the money! LOL). He's 28 and gets around on his knees in the house (it's not wheelchair accessible), he has extreme behavioural issues ranging from yelling to being physically abusive and putting holes in walls. So the resentment that is always there .. is because my mother wanted to adopt him, when everyone else including my father and her family said NOT to do it and that it was too much. So when the Social Worker did the home/family study we were told that if we (especially me because I knew I'd be the one picking up the slack that SHE seemed to leave behind) ruined this for her we'd be sorry .. which meant a beating from one end of the house to the next and everyday until she got over it. So My P sees that this resentment is valid and isn't going anywhere until my brother is able to move out. So I imagine that it will dissipate after he moves into a group home next summer.
Regarding the hate and anger, my P said "Holly, why don't you just let it go? It's over, there's no changing it, let the anger go". This didn't make sense to me because if I could just let it go .. I wouldn't have anger issues and be there looking for her help LOL. So I went home and thought about it. I came to this conclusion ..
quote:If I were to put the anger that I feel towards my mother on a (figurative) shelf then I would in essence be letting 'her' go, and leaving me to be responsible for how I turned out - instead of blaming her for what she did or didn't do for me. Also, if I wasn't angry at her anymore then I would be vulnerable to feeling the grief and sorrow of her death (which I have never done), which frightens me because the reaction I could have is unpredictable.
I shared that with my P at our session today. She was elated that I had finally figured something out (LOL I really suck at Therapy!). So now we need to talk about the anger to get by it .. feel it (Oi, I don't like he sound of THAT)... The P did add a disclaimer though - she said that if I get angry and start to take it out on her that she will end the session and send me home. WHATS THAT ABOUT

So I'm asking for you to share you're experiences with how you worked through your pent up anger issues, and maybe give me an idea of how/where to start. *My P, I love her to bits, but she wouldn't help me get started, she'd want me to just talk and see whee it goes. But in 9 months (my lack of) talking hasn't gotten us very far!

Thanks for listening !