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I am spacey and numb tonight in a way that I have not been in a very long time (years).

The focus of this thread (or attempted focus) is on my numbness and trying to talk and seeing my eq T tomorrow. Howver I need to post this trigger warning:

****triggers: crappy ex SD/pastor junk, brief mention that I had a moment of SU and SI thoughts****

I just found out today my ex SD filed some kind of civil court case against me - three civil filings no less. I have NO idea what they could be about.

I am shocked. I have no received the papers. The civil service sherrif deputy called and I asked him to email me what he was contacting me about. It was to serve papers from civil case Kevin ---- fild against me. I went numb. I litterally dropped what I was doing and got someone to cover for me and RAN ti a friend I know who is a law proffesor. I completely dissociated in her office. She later said I just looked spacey and close to catatonic. She calle the Sherrif and said they needed to serve me another day and she would set up the time and they could come serve me in her office. She doesn't practice civil law, nor can I afford an attorney, but she said she would walk with me through it. She said to go home and do everything you need to do to get better. She knows I struggle with dissociation and PTSD, and doesn't understand it entirely well, but I certainly didn't need her too, and she was terribly kind and compassionate. Her saying to get well was about how "close to catatonic" I seemed. She said "let me handle them and I get as much time as possible before you have to be severed this and deal with it.

My regular T is gone. She knows all about ex SD. We all thought since he kicked me out no explaination, he would just leave me alone.

Now, 2 weeks post kicking me out he files in civil court?!

I called a friend, said what happened. She flipped out (it was ok) saying this was awful and wrong for him to do. "This is a sickening abuse of power," she said.

I started to get flooded (SU thought, SI urges) and I called the on call T for my regulr T who is gone fo the next 3 weeks. She called back. She asked me to rate my safety, as we had planned if anything came up. I was honest on that. She got concerned, and then asked me what happened and I couldn't talk. My body would not let me. She said ok... tell me about the horses (I do equine T). I started too... but the everything almost flooded and I went numb even more. I explained I think I am keeping a lot of emotion at bay by being numb. I'm scared to feel. I began to actually stuuter (never done that before). I went silent. She had to go into her next session. } promised to stay safe. She asked/strongly recommended for me to calling equine T and said she would call back later. I spent an hour in an intensely numbed out daze. I then emailed equine T. I didn't know what to write. I told her

"Hi something bad happened. I think someone betrayed my trust. I'm safe. Just numb. (On call T) suggested I contact you. I don't know what I need. I don't know about that, but I'm trying to follow her suggestion because I'm not sure what I need myself, but I'm trying to figure it out if I should contact you or not."

(Again, I was very numb. I couldn't seem to think or say more. Worst email ever.

Eq T called me 30 minutes later. I was able to say I told a friend what happened and they responded strongly to how awful and betraying of trust and abuse of power. I couldn't say more.

I still couldn't say what happened. I assured her I was safe, just numb and scared of when the numbness wnet away. I told her how I was going to take care of me... my eq T and I have never had a conversation on the phone except twice, and that was for scheduling. I have seen hr for just over a year... but she was good on the phone. She asked me if I wanted to talk. I told her the words would not even come if I tried. I told her just old stuff got triggered. I'm really ok, I just don't know quite what is going on with me... I told her how I was in the law proff office...

She asked if I wanted to come see her tomorrow. I said if it is ok... yeah.... she assured me many times it was ok. She said "I want you to know I'm here for you. I'm here." Those words hit my heart deeply.

She told me to call her cell anytime if things got worse and if I felt unsafe at all - and that she was trusting me to do so. I agreed. I think I would keep me safe just not to have to call her... I feel so bad she is so concerned.

But I see her first thing in the morning. Honestly, I'm scared. I'm a little scared of everyone right now.

but I know with her that if I can't talk, it is ok. Really ok. Helps if I can talk... I want to talk. I just litterally start to stutter if I try.

I went to dance class tonight. It went ok. Then I left and almost got flooded. Then numb. Now I'm tying here to try and stay ok.

And not cry and not freak and not turn in on me and hate myself in an attempt to make sense of this awful ex SD.

I hope it is ok to share this.

So numb, little scared of eq T in the morning. I kee telling myself, just show up. Just go. Be somewhere safe and familliar. If that is all I do... that is good, right?


P.s. sorry about bad typing and the typos. Posting from my phone.
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I am so sorry that this is happening to you. From an outsider's perspective, your ex-SD seriously sounds like a sociopath. The whole situation is totally messed up.

I think it is normal for you to be feeling the way that you are. I know that I would be. I am really happy that you were able to reach out to your equine T and that she was able to be there for you on the phone and that you get to see her tomorrow. I can understand feeling a little scared of everyone right now, but hopefully once you see her in person you will feel her safety.

I haven't stuttered before, but for about a year after I left home, every time I tried to talk I would get awful tics and twitches in my face and wouldn't be able to talk through them. It was really scary for me, and I can imagine how scary the stuttering must be for you. Maybe it would make you feel better to write some things down beforehand, just in case? That way you can still talk about what you are going through even if your voice isn't cooperating.

I'm trying to come up with some words of encouragement, but I am feeling quite lacking in that department, so all I can say is that it is truly unfair that you have to deal with this on top of all you've already had to deal with, but you are a freaking survivor, Jane, and you are going to get through this as well. Know that we are here for you when you need us.


So very sorry that this has happened. What a jerk your SD is proving himself to be (hope it is okay if I say that). For me, one of the hardest things when dealing with a similarly evil church elder was to work through the situation without letting myself be poisoned by it or him. Some people are just toxic *shudders.*

But I think it is fabulous that in the midst of all this you are reaching out to safe people like your Ts and your lawyer friend. It's a way of reminding yourself viscerally that it *can* be safe to trust. Take good care of you. You will be in my thoughts.
I'm so sorry that this is happening, JD...this is not a good or a safe person, even though he may have seemed so at one time. Keep yourself safe, don't give into the false, debilitating messages that he is sending you- just block them and don't let them in, as best you can. It doesn't surprise me that he would do this, JD, it makes sense that he would need to protect himself from revealing the evil thing he did by kicking you out of church, by justifying it by making you into someone crazy or this point he's in so deep that he will need to protect himself at all costs from the truth getting out. At your expense. He is not a good person.
I'm very glad you have your T.
As for the stuttering...I just wouldn't worry about it. Anybody with the slightest bit of knowledge, such as your T, and your eq. T, will understand it. It is just an extreme stress response, I'm pretty sure, and once you are a little calmer I'm sure it will stop, and you will be able to speak normally again.

Hugs, JD...I can tell you from experience that what you are suffering is spiritual abuse, as BG has pointed out, and it is intensely brutal thing to experience because it goes right to the heart...what your "SD" has done, would freeze the very heart of Christ. You are not to blame. Give it to Him, who has walked here where you are walking Himself. You are not alone in it. He is very close to you in your suffering.

(((JD))) I don't have much to add to what has already been said, but wanted you to know that you have my support. This is abuse plain and simple and even more egregious that he is using his power to persecute the powerless and someone whom he has already wrongfully driven out. I agree with BB, his actions would freeze the heart of Christ. Please know that you are loved and this is not your fault. And please accept all the support you can from your Ts, you deserve all of it. Please take good care of yourself.

gg, nannabee, heldincompassion, bb, ag, strm, draggers, yaku, incognito... thank you so much everyone.

I'm feeling really quiet today. Yesterday, I did see eq T, and was terribly dissociative all day. This morning, I expected to feel flooded, but it didn't kick in... until this afternoon... I have been a mess...

yesterday, eq T offered to see me tomorrow... today, I took her up on her offer so tomorrow I'm going to go see her...

she said some pastors think they have to save and fix everyone... I said yeah, i think this one got himself a little too confused with Jesus Christ. she smiled at that and it helped me smile...

he filed a restraint order barring me from contact with a long list of addresses. all members of the church's homes. he claims that is where he "works" so until the hearing, the judge approved it. he also filed a civil claim for slander for talking with one firend from the church.

he was one of the very few people who knew I did an intensive outpaitent tretament program out of state... he put that in the paperwork as grounds of why I am a threat to him and his family...

nevermind that after I went, he asked me to babysit his children and I was the one who quit in july when my shcedule changed...

i just don't know how to face him in court.

i don't get it. my mind keeps thinking how can this happen? but you all are right. it is spiritual abuse, plain and simple, and it has happened to others. eq T was very admant it isn't my fault. i had a hard time being present with her. she made sure the whole time we were near one of the animals I find the most comforting to be around, walking her or just being nearby.

i was so scareds to tell her. she kept saying, "Jane, your words matter to me." "this is not your fault." "let's try to find you." "don't let him define you."

she had good boundaries. i told her - be sure to have really good boundaries mroe than ever with me right now - it will make me feel safer. she understood. she said to just keep talking, as much as I could, as much as helped me.

my stuttering is better.

my heart hurts.

i wish regular t wasn't gone but i'm so glad for eq T's acceptance and steadiness....

thank you everyone for your support and reminding me so well i'm not alone.

sorry i can't respond more specifically right now. i've held your words close to my heart.

i'm working hard to keep the SI and SU thoughts from overwhelming me. so glad that i get to see some cute little animals tomorrow - ones who wont be trying to fix me. and a good T too. thanks everyone for helping me have the courage to reach out to her. despite how hard it is to do, i am glad i did.
Last edited by janedoe

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