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...I can't tell her face to face what her "leaving" does to li'l one and I. It's not that we weren't honest when she asked if her leaving was a contributing factor in the panic attacks, I just side-stepped it by saying it was a combination of a few things.

After these appts, I so wish I had someone I could talk to about them when I got home, other than putty tat. Or, better yet - just have someone who'd give me a hug when I walked in the door at the end of the day. Patches' wonderful purr and head butts just don't cut it, know what I mean?

Given that my inability to invite someone into my life on that level (or ANY level) scares the absolute poop outta me is the main reason I'm seeing a T to begin with, I guess it shouldn't surprise me this work is so $&@!?*#%! difficult. I just wish all the feelings and physical reactions didn't happen all at the same time.

Even tho it's still early evening here in the east, think I'm gonna take li'l one and Patches to bed to cuddle and hopefully get a better night sleep than we have the past few nights.

The Kid and li'l one

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