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it's been nearly 3-1/2 months since i last saw T and i'm not sure i'll ever go back. i posting because i'm just wondering if there are others out there that have terminated, but can't stop thinking about their T? it' driving me crazy, and quite frankly, as much as i like him i want him out of my head. not sure i'll leave this up because i am feeling silly obsessing so much, but for now it would be comforting to know if others have gone through this and if so what did you do about it other than wait it out?
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When my old T changed jobs suddenly 20 months ago I was devastated and thought about him all the time. It was 4 months before I settled on my new T and i was still very upset and mentioned him often. It was after a few months with new T that I realised that when I thought of something I wanted to tell T, I was thinking of new T first and then old T.I was so happy when I realised this! Now I think of him occasionally, but am really happy because new T is much better suited to me and I have made so much progress with her.
I do wonder though if I would be still obsessing over old T if I had stopped therapy altogether and not had someone to replace him with.
T is such a special relationship that it takes time to move on.
Good luck!

oh, you all need to know that i appreciate your responses so much! a major reponse in my life is feeling invisible, so i value what you all have to offer. thanks

Cat, therapy ended rather abruptly. the ending wasn't "good" or "bad" i don't think. it was my decision (as it should be), but it was rather abrupt and probably should have been discussed with T before it happened. health insurance is changing, and as a result i'm feeling pressure to make the more "urgent" issues a top priority while watching the dollars. those urgent issues being my daughters' motivation in school and my vision. those two things have bumped therapy. it was a difficult decision, but the right one, i think. it still hurts.

hi, Starlight Hi a new T is out of the question. i didn't end because of T, i ended because of financial reasons. if i ever to back to therapy (and i hope i can) i will return to my same T. anxiety about sessions was HUGE to say the very least. i literally could not present my true self to T because of my anxiety and issues with authority. he know this, and for me to start all over with a new T is not even something i would consider. you're right, T is a VERY special relationship.

thanks (((Liese))) for your response. i honestly don't know what will help for the obsessiveness. i don't even consider myself to be obsessive, but this is what i am experiencing! can i go back? yes. will it help with the obsession? i rather doubt it. if anything i think it could make it worse, like dragging out the inevitable, you know? it is something i need to work on in therapy with a T. trouble is, i'm broke and insurance sucks.

(((outsider))) that helps to know that it was a good year before you started feeling relief.

i'm beer affected right now, so if i'm short and dismissive i apologize. i really do appreciate everyones' input. gracias, from the bottom of my heart. <3

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