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Realization: I've gone through some sharp feelings of hatred of T, and being 100% sure she returned said feelings. In spite of it all, I really want her to like me. I feel like such an idiot. Obviously there has to be a reason I haven't quit yet. I'm scared of the relationship being bad, I'm scared of the relationship being good. I hate this!!!!

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hey effed, sorry for the late response, but i'm pretty new here. one thing my T said to me about wanting to "run away" from therapy after i said "i dont' know if it's good or bad" ... he said "i don't think it's bad. it just IS". i think wherever you are is where you are and it's okay. the relationship? if you're learning ANYTHING about yourself, then it's okay. that's not saying it's good or bad. it just is, and it's okay. i think a lot of us (at least i know it's true for me) get caught up in "good" or "bad" when in fact it's neither. it just IS, and that's SO fricking easy to forget but it's SO fricking OKAY. hope this helps. take care.
It is hard. I presume some clients are hard to like for a t. But some clients are easy to like. We always worry we are the 'hard' ones but of course we want them to love us to bits.
I suppose it is just part of the delightful dance of therapy (said slightly tongue in cheek) that we have to go through.

How are you with this now, Effed?

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