Does anyone continually struggle with opening up in Therapy? I struggle with this constantly and even though I know the Therapist is 'safe' and will not hurt me...I have to force myself to not hide and it takes a great effort on my part.
I am not able to tell if being this way is due to my experiences in early life or if I just feel scared being alone in a room with another human being.
The last couple of sessions have been really due to him going to reach for a pillow and I thought he was going to smother me and the other due to him flexing his hands over and over again.
We did talk about it but I was so terrified I could hardly speak. I have told him I am sorry I am not a better client and I am sorry for the way I am.
It has been a real struggle and last week I asked him what he thought about me going to every other week. He asked me what would be accomplished if I did this and I replied I wouldn't have to deal with not being able to have him and it would be easier if I didn't have to experience the feelings of anxiety, abandonment, etc.
I don't want to quit I just want to minimize what I am feeling.
Thanks for listening,