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I've never heard of an organization, either, but there are a lot of lonely people out there and in principle the idea of searching out your match somehow makes sense. Smiler

Volunteering at an old folks' home, maybe? That's something I've thought I'd like to do as well. Since I have these presumably cute babies. . . it seems like there must be lonely people without family there who might like to be visited by us/them. Only I'm really not sure how one arranges such things.
Hi Draggers, here are a few suggestions you might like to explore to meet your needs: Are there volunteering opportunity organisations near you? If so check out what there is e.g. visiting and taking an older person out for trips, shopping, GP/Hospital etc. or just for company? If you come across an older person that you connect with it would mean a give and take relationship. In the UK you would have to have a DBS check (formerly CRB checks) for working or volunteering with vulnerable adults. How about advertising in a reputable city paper/magazine, that way you can be clear about what you would like and have to offer the other, plus this would be discreet for you? Good luck.

Chezza Smiler

I had the good fortune of meeting up with someone through my church that was so wonderful for me. Miss Vera had her own family but they lived far away from her. She lived just down the way from us so I would volunteer my teenagers to help her when she needed yard work done or other things. She was an ear to listen to me as I pondered what to do to care for my mom with Alz. Shortly after I placed my mom in a memory care facilty Miss Vera's children convinced her to move into the assisted living appartments that are in the same building as my my mom's memory care. We continued visiting and enjoying each other for about 9 months. She would report to me what she had seen my mom participating in. It was truly lovely. Unfortunately, she fell ill with pneumonia and passed away a few months ago. We all miss her terribly but our lives were so much richer for having known her.

I definately second reaching out to elderly. Here in the states we have meals on wheels. I think being a delivery person for them would help you meet up with folks that would appreciate your company and love to share with you.

Hey Draggers, I just changed to a different Church. It's really helping me a lot. A great way to connect with people. I'm very gun-shy about meeting new people and desperately need/want too. So far, the people have been very warm and welcoming. You may want to try that avenue.....I still "wish" I would hear a knock on my front door and when I open it there would be a man and a women telling me they are my real parents and they had put me up for adoption and we all live happily ever after. I can dream, right? But, we do what we can to smooth it over. I'm learning to accept that certain pain will never go away and sometimes smoothing out really can help. Hope that helped a little. VH
(((DRAGGERS))) I so understand your feelings. I'm single with no family and being lonesome is a very hard thing to deal with. My T told me the first day I started therapy that healthy friendships outside of Therapy is one of the most important resources to healing. He really emphasized on the friendship being a "Healthy" one. He also suggested to volunteer and to focus on others and their needs, and I think he's right. I'm in the process of doing this myself. I was thinking that you live in the UK, and if that's correct just google and it shows many choices to volunteer with the elderly if that's what your interested in. You will be great at whatever you choose, because you're filled with a lot of lovely qualities. Let us know how it goes for you....Hugssssssss

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