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Oh, I love this idea! Great big massive collective cyberhug for our Draggers.

Draggers, you are not like anyone else and I wouldn't have you change for the world - except in the ways that make you more YOU and more happy. You are the sweetest and funniest thing since... I don't know, since a honey-covered womble. Yes, we totally look forward to you feeling safe and well again and back here with us.

Oh yes Mayo this is a lovely idea - I’m sure when Draggers gets to read it she will feel embarrassed as hell, but it’s nice to let her know just how much she means to people here - Draggers sending you masses of healing wishes and support and want you to know how much your presence here really lights the place up. Hoping you and your parts are feeling MUCH better today.

Love and hugs

Great idea!
I wanna hug draggers too! ((((draggers))))
I am just starting to get to know you draggers, and i`d love to get to know you better- i hope you wount be too emberrassed because of all the huggings you get here- you just have to accept that you obviously have a bunch of people here caring about you! Be well! And feel free to join in here again, whenever you`re ready!
This thread has pushed the very IT challenged me to work out how to send a post from my phone as am away from home!!

...your frienship has meant so much to me, your understanding of EXACTLY how I might be feeling has made me feel less alone so many times. I so hope that you now have received the care and support that you needed and that you and all your little ones, and the bigger ones too, will feel safer very soon.

We look forward to having you around here again with are missed loads more than you could ever imagine Big Grin

Last edited by starfish
Draggers... I'm so sorry you are in so much pain and I hope you will be back safe and sound very soon. You are a very important person to me and you have helped me so much during my crisis. You understood just how I was feeling and how hard the struggle was. Your courage and strength were inspirational to me in your own struggle and I miss you very much.

Please take care of you and your littles and I hope you see you here posting again soon. Many hugs and warm wishes...


Dont worry about posting, - just write about it if you want to, and if its helpful to you. I would probably myself not wanted to write about such a painful experience..Its SO understandable that you rather wait. No pressure, we`re just happy your back, from that hospital, and back right here on forum where you belongs!
Hi Draggers so happy to know you are home again and safe and that you will join us again when you are ready. In the meanwhile just know that I send you lots of hugs and good wishes that you will feel peace and happiness and know that you are such an important part of our commumnity here and we have missed you so much. I am so grateful to have you as a support and your strength is inspiring.

Many many hugs.
Oh Draggers I'm SO late to this thread - but I want to say anyway YAY that you're back and I'm so glad you are home safe and sound. You had us all worried there. Hope you are giving yourself lots of kindness and letting yourself be looked after - if you feel like posting about what's been going on for you it would be great to hear from you, but don't feel pressured at all. Stay safe ok?

Sending you a LOT of love

The feelings are completely mutual! I am so glad you're home safe and did what you needed to do to keep yourself safe. We need our Dragonfly flitting about the place and lighting it up with her iridescent wings. Big Grin

I so appreciate your kind words about me, but please know that what I faced was so much less than what you have lived through. Your courage to heal, and to reach out to others in love despite the very real evil that you have experienced is just a miracle and I am honored to be able to watch you do it.

love and hugs,
Oh dear draggers- it sounds like a true nightmare, all of it... i dont think i understand it all..but hopefully all this horror is past, and there are better and more safe times ahead of you. You are so strong and have so much insight in your own "system". I am glad to hear that you now have both your T`s to help you. Faith must be so good to have now, too. I totally understand, and think it`s only good and right that you would spend your time now, with your children. I am sure thats the most helpful way to spent time now, and creds to you for doing whats good for you. (and your children) Dont apologize for not posting here. We know your thankful. Thanks so much for writing about this. I Wish you all the best! Be safe and go gentle.
My heart breaks for all you've been through and I thank God you have your new T a loving husband and your children and your very special self. You are all doing amazingly well, though it probably doesn't feel that way just now!! Do rest and try to relax into the love of your family. We'll all be here when you're ready!
Last edited by beaglemum
Wow Draggers thank you so much for taking the time to explain what has been happening for you. You’ve been SO courageous and strong dealing with all the things going on in your system and I’m so glad that your stay in hospital helped you. Your memories sound horrific and I’m so so sorry you’ve had to go through all this.

Please don’t feel pressured to post here - you know we all love you Smiler and care very much for you - and everyone would understand that you need time out. It’s another sign of how lovely you are that you think of others in the middle of going through hell yourself.

Look after yourself Draggers and I will be thinking of you - wishing you all the support and good wishes in the world for what you now have to deal with - the sadness of having to start losing more of your internal family. ((((( Draggers ))))))

Last edited by lamplighter

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