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i feel so overwhelmed right now. My dad is is bad shape physically, and I'm spending my spare moments with him. i wnet with him on fri. to a doctor's apointment in which they said the 'thing' on his arm was cancerous, and then i saw him in the hospital mon. while he had a blood transfusion for his leukemia, tomorrow he's coming to spend the day and help me put up a wall in our house for the eldest kid to have her own room. He used to work in construction so he'll be telling me what to do! I really want to spend as much time as possible with him. However, I'm also a parent to 4 kids. And i'm going to school and having to commute 1 hr. or so each way. Im' feeling a bit too 'crazy' to concentrate on anything but having to concentrate on everything (does that make sense?). So though i'm reading the posts, I'm not much at responding to them nowadays.
Scott and Robin
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Hi Scott and Robin,
Please don't worry about responding, you have your hands totally full! All of them! Smiler I have half the kids you do, they're older, and although we were taking care of my mother in law I was defintiely NOT taking classes. And I'm not sure what it says about me Smiler but I totally get the "too 'crazy' to concentrate on anything but having to concentrate on everything" Please try and take care of yourself, we always worry about ourselves last when things are that overloaded. We all be here when you can surface for air. Thanks for letting us know. And I'm sorry about your dad, I know how tough the last year was with mom when she was going downhill physically. But i can tell you that you won't regret one minute you spend with him. I'll be praying for you (if that's ok with you!)


Hey there Scott and Robin,
I am sorry about your circumstances and your dad's illness. That is never easy to cope with and your feelings are very understandable. Having a schedule like yours, a family to take care of, a house to work on, school, and your dad to care for and spend time with...of course you're overwhelmed! Anyone would be. AG is right, you will never regret the time you take for your dad. I am sure that you will also treasure this project with him. But you WILL get through this, and even though you may only be able to "ghost" around here for a while, you are thought of and part of the community.

Take care!

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