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I can't cope with this anymore. I have a therapy appointment on the first of September, but I really need to talk to someone now.

I'm under severe stress at work; I've been stuck with an assignment I'm not up to, in skills or emotional ability to cope. And since the assignment came from someone higher up than my boss, I have no choice but to suck it up. It would be fine if it were only a couple of hours a day each day this week, but...

I can't even take a lunch on Wednesday because I have six hours of back-to-back appointments which I don't really want to be there for, but again, someone higher up decided I had to be, and made the appointments without consulting me. I'm afraid I'll cry at an inappropriate time or run screaming from the room. Since that's exactly what I feel like doing...

And my landlord's coming in for a quarterly inspection/routine bug spraying sometime later today. I have managed to get some picking up done, but the bathroom sink clogged and I spent about an hour I'd planned to spend on cleaning, unclogging the sink instead! I had to take the pipes apart to clean the gunk out of them and put them back together. I now have six and a half hours to get the place looking presentable before I have to go to work. And that's assuming I don't take any time to sleep or eat.

Drinking is not an option. Binge-eating used to be an option, but hasn't been since I had a cancer scare a month ago. I've been trying to eat better and get some exercise. But I haven't always succeeded; I slipped last night and ate two Butterfingers, one right after the other.

I feel ugly and unlovable; the only people who ever really loved me unconditionally (my dad and an aunt) are both dead. My aunt died July 9. My last relationship--with a chronic liar-- ended six years ago. As for a new relationship, I'm too fat, I have too much body hair, and I need reconstructive surgery on my face which my HMO may not cover. So I have to worry about saving money for the surgery...

The few times I have "put myself out there" in the past six years, I've been rejected, sometimes after putting a lot of time and energy into it. I don't think I can love or trust anymore. But I wish I could.

I'm having a hard time trusting people at work now. It hurts to think nobody cares what I think or how I feel. And I can't help thinking it because nobody asked me how I felt about the assignment.

I want to call in sick. I want to buy a one-way ticket to somewhere else and start my life all over.

I don't want to be lonely. I don't want to be the pathetic person you probably think I am.
Original Post
JAO....I can empathise with a lot of what you're feeling. I feel completely overwhelmed at the moment...this has only happened to me a few times before but it's so scary. I'm doing all the wrong things, binge-eating, drinking etc. I'm hanging on by my fingertips and I can't reach out because I don't want to inconvenience people, nor do I feel that they want to help. I'm particularly upset with a friend who doesn't seem to care about the pain I'm in. I don't know if I'm asking too much of him but I feel so upset with him for not seeming to care.

Everyone at work thinks I'm fine apart from the two I told about deferring. And I can't go through with it. I need to do it as I know I can't go to college next year but I'm too scared to do anything. And I'm not seeing my T for another week which makes me feel hopeless. I really don't know waht to do so I can see why you would want to call in sick, to shut everything out. I've felt like that for a long while now.

And I get the lonely thing too. Similarly I have a total lack of self-esteem and feel like too much of an emotional wreck to deserve anyone.

Please just hold on and try to find something positive. You sound very strong for getting this far. Try to prioritise things...I know at times like this everything seems like a giant wall that you have to climb. But maybe some things can wait. What's important is that you're ok, assignments, while important to you career, will just have to wait as you need to look after number one.

Apologies if my advice is terrible, as I feel like I'm in much the same situation as you are seem to be struggling for the same answers/help.

All the best x

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