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***Do not read if you are having T troubles, and might feel too sad at a good T story***

So I've been through it all with my T...all the doubt angst, misery, anguish, distrust and name it. And all the while, not that it's all been perfect...he's not perfect in every way as a T...even though he has his brilliant aspects that I so appreciate...but he has remained constant, and always there for me. I think this says it all more than anything. That no matter what I said or did, or how intractable my depression is, or how badly I "fail" in his "school" or how crappy my coping mechanisms are...I remain "welcome." *Even* when I made *him* feel like a failure, I'm pretty sure, at times. He has even said that he is happy when I schedule response to my guilt at doing that...though it is always left up to me. It's not that I don't still feel awkward... it's not that I don't still find it difficult to think about opening up's just that it has become clear to me that my cyber T does, indeed, care about and like the real me, better than the false one that I realize I normally present to him. It's taken a year and a half to get to this point...and now I'm just not sure what comes next??? Will it last? Where do I go from here? What do I do now? Now, I feel like I can finally talk to the man. Yup, he's there, listening, it's not perfect, but it's good enough...gosh, even though I send him ridiculous amounts of email, he's kind of amazing, actually. It's all good...even the pain of unrequited loving him is kind of "welcome" in me now, for lack of better way to put it...but the problem is...I'm *still* quite depressed. I still feel *completely* dependent on him. I'm still having fairly serious marriage problems. And I still really love this person, my T- he's just so...good. Deeply good, and deeply humble, and wise and strong and gentle.. even with all his "T flaws..." maybe, even *especially* with all his T flaws... I just see the reflection of something really beautiful and powerful that I have missed out on badly all my life- in this specific person. And I really need him to show that person that he is, to me- so that I can know what it's like, at least, even if it's not really "for me." And I'm ok admitting that need for him, now, pretty much-I think- even though it's really tender and painful and agonizingly vulnerable at times to feel. So what now? I guess, probably now...I talk. To him. (!) But I feel awkward, like, I don't want to just use him, or something like that, unless I know for sure that he gets something out of it too. Something valuable to him beyond money. And, it still feels *really* wrong to pay him. actually feels disrespectful to *him* to pay him- I've figured that out *I think.* It's like money kind of cheapens the care he offers, even though I know he isn't doing it *for the money* but the money is how he survives, doing this, caring for people. But it feels really wrong, and really disrespectful, like I'm slapping him in the face every time I write him a check. (Incidentally, I doubt he would agree with this conclusion, since I'm fairly certain that he has a grocery bill Big Grin ) Sometimes I have this crazy thought that the greatest present I could ever give him would be to ask him to counsel me for free. (Even though I never would, because I cognitively understand that it wouldn't be fair, and that I am 99.9% certain the answer would be no) Weird, I know. Any thoughts on this?

Thanks for putting up with me everybody...


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awesome! thanks DF! I love this:

It's all about energy exchange Your T is giving you something so wonderful and meaningful to you, but given the nature of the relationship all you can really provide is money. But to get that money you do work too, right? So it's like a % of the work you do out in life is for your T if that makes sense.

gosh this is helpful. while I still have problems around this issue, what you've said here is really helpful.

I'm sorry for the hurt that comments about money caused you in your work. You seem like such a caring person, I'm sure that was painful to hear. I feel really bad for the times I said something like that to my T. Frowner I want to tell him I'm sorry, now!

My T and I meet usually by Skype, nowadays. We started off as phone counseling once a month, and then moved to Skype after maybe, a year. It's an unusual arrangement, and not one I would reccommend as it is extremely painful to know I will never meet my T in real life. However I had no idea the nature of transference when I started, or what it's like to be in "real" counseling, so I had no way of knowing when I made such a decision. Now my T is my T and I can't change that, not for the world.

ooo, you think I could pay my T in cookies? Since hugs are not an option...Well they might be kind of stale by the time they got over to him. Frowner Plus, I don't make very good cookies. hm, never mind, guess we'll stick with money. Frowner Big Grin

Thanks for such a helpful response!


No worries, DF... it's good to think about how stuff I say might affect someone else on "the other side of it." I wasn't upset or anything.
It would be cool if you could keep the same T this way...but the whole thing does have an element of unreality to it, though that can be kind of painful in dealing with, the emotions of that. Well, I guess it's a triggery little bit for me, since my relationships in general have an element of unreality/distance about them that I also can't quite pinpoint but that hurts, quite. It's nice not to have to drive to appointments, though.

Thanks Mac! Smiler I'm glad that you are in a simlar situation...that's awesome. I agree- also would pick the therapist relationship over a romantic one...hands down. Romantic one seems a little " ewwey" somehow, to me, I guess. He's like my dad. I would be hard-pressed to say no if he by some miracle offered to stay in my life as a kind of mentor or father figure type-friend thingy, after therapy is over, though. Actually in spite of everything, I doubt I could ever say no to *anything* he asked. Kinda makes me realize that in a way it's so good that it's unrequited. If I could just work for him...something...anything! Big Grin Frowner Hopefully this feeling of trust will stay and I won't let my fear that my trust will mean losing him intrude or take over. I'm tired of feeling so crap all the time. I need to make some kind of progress in my every day life...someway. I'm not sure how to do that, though. I've been stuck for sooooo long, the thought of actually looking at and making changes is pretty scary and extremely overwhelming and I don't really even know how!?? Can my T teach what I need to do? hmmm.
I'm not sure about that!


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