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Happy new year everyone!

I am really struggling at the moment with overwhelming tiredness which is draining every ounce of energy I have. I have always suffered from tiredness but go through periods where it is extremely bad and this is one of them. I have so much I need to do and they are things I want to do in order to move my life forward but can't for the life of me get the motivation to. I have tried eating healthily and exercising and this hasn't helped so have fallen back into the pattern of eating crap even though I know this isn't helping. My family think I am just being lazy but I really don't think it is that Frowner

Anyone have any ideas how to overcome extreme tiredness? I am quite young and pretty sure I shouldn't be feeling this bad.

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Thank you Permafrost and LadyGrey!

I know I need to make changes as I am not terribly happy where I am but would have thought because I wanted the changes so badly I would be able to do something about it.

so instead of searching for a better solution I don't do anything. The not knowing seems to paralyze me at times. Is it the same for you maybe?

this was me for ages and I thought it was just because I was unhappy but I am really starting to wonder now. I'm sorry you are in this position now, it's not nice feeling stuck.

I did talk to my T at the time about it but she just encouraged me to go to the docs.

I have had stomach problems so I have been to the docs and they did run some blood tests but they didn't show up anything and now my stomach issues have died down but the tiredness hasn't Frowner. Not sure what to do anymore.

Yes, I have low iron levels and need to be taking tablets. I have gone through phases of losing my appetite which was never big in the first place but am majorly comfort eating at the moment. Not good Frowner

I am afraid of the changes but I know the positves far outweigh any fears I may have and I desperately want to be able to make them, I just always feel physically drained and ready for bed. I can only focus for short periods of time. Will just have to hope it passes.

Thanks Permafrost, and I am sorry you have suffered from this too.

Hi Butterfly,

Those iron pills should help a lot. Even though I'm usually not anemic, sometimes I run a little close to that and I find if I take my vitamins it helps a lot.

Going to all this therapy and learning about myself, I have found that when I feel that tired feeling, it often means I'm avoiding something. I might think I want to do it. I might be able to recognize the positives outweight the negatives. I might actually really want to do it. But there is something I'm avoiding. There is a fear there somewhere. What has worked for me has been to kind of scan everything I need to do in my mind. And, see how I react to each thing. Towards somethings, I won't have a reaction at all. And, then I know that's not it. There might be something else that when I think about it, I get that wierd, kind of activated feeling or a feeling of dread - and then I know I'm getting close. But then I have to narrow it down.

Good luck. Hope you are able to figure out what it is!!!

You've been missing for so long - it's good to have you back - but so sorry you're feeling so very low Frowner You really need to get to a physician who can get to the bottom of this exhaustion - whether it is physical or emotional - it can be treated Wink Are the life changes that you want to make scaring you to the point of getting rooted to the spot?? I hope you can get to the docs and talk this through a bit more with your T Wink I wish you had more support from your family - their attitude only adds to the *beat myself up* part of the exhaustion Frowner
Your family here will support you as much as you need ((butterfly))
Liese, Morgs, STRM & BG thank you for responding to me Smiler.

I would just feel really stupid going back to the docs again as they have already done loads of bloodwork on me that hasn’t shown up anything Frowner. Maybe you are right Liese , maybe even though I recognise the positives maybe I am just avoiding it but it is really frustrating as I really want to get things sorted and I can do things that don’t require much thought but can’t focus on anything I really need to be doing.

Morgs sorry I have been missing; I didn’t think anyone would really notice. Hmmm, interesting question I am not sure if it is exactly rooting me to the spot, I dunno maybe. I find myself sitting at my desk at work not being able to do anything but stare at the computer which leaves me feeling really useless and demotivated, I come home in the evening exhausted and ready for bed Frowner.

I don’t have a T at the moment Frowner...another reason I haven’t been around as much, as the longer I go without one the less I feel I belong here or can be of much use to others.

STRM, am not sure I have been checked for mono though I don’t think I have it, am sorry you suffered from it, my brother had this and I remember he could barely move. It’s really nasty.
BG..yes exhaustion is defintely exhausting! I am trying to get as much rest as possible. Thanks.

Thanks all for your advice, it means a lot as there is no one else to talk to about it.

Hi Butterfly,

Even though you don't have a T right now and don't feel that you can be of use to others, maybe you just need some support right now. The forum is a give and take. Sometimes we all need to be carried a little. And, sometimes we do the carrying. Right now you need some support and that is just fine with me. IMO you don't have to feel like you have something to give in order to post.

Making changes is exciting and feeling good about them is great. But, you sill have to get through all the crap that got you where you are in the first place. At least, that's what I have to do. And, it isn't easy.

So, what's going on with a T? I was off the forum for a little while and can't remember if something happened with your T. Is everything okay?


Thank you so much for your support Liese! It really means alot Smiler

I finished with my T or should I say she finsihed with me last October. Now I can't afford another T hence am going it alone. Am currently in the phase of thinking why the hell would I want to rely on anyone else again so maybe not having any money is a blessing in disguise Wink


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