I'm just I don't know
the more I tell my T the more scared I feel, I don't know how to email her and tell her I'm having panicky intrusive thoughts, that my mom accused me of somethingi didn't do and its making me confused , I can't sleep at night I wake up in 100 percent panic mode checking everybody for breathing and a pulse. I cring at everything I'm so tired and I can't tell anybodyyyy everything is so scary.
I feel like I'm bad and evil, my mom said I was being bad when I only just woke up, I'm trying to remember what I could have done I'm at a loss ...
I wish I didn't have to wait till T. I want to tell her now but I'm scared shell get sick of me or tgink I'm too needy or maybe I'm making all this up, I'm so disgusting
I don't even know whgat I'm writing here