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Hey All,

It's just one of those days...I'm in panic mode.
I froze up in front of the class at T training today. I'm lucky to have a nice professor who stepped in and gently modeled where to go with the "client" (a classmate) next. Then, I tried to work on my research paper in between classes and the printer stuff wasn't working and I had a hard time finding the articles I needed. I forgot to eat lunch and then started my next class. Of course that class didn't go well either. I found out that I was suppose to be signed up for my next semester classes and the ones that I need are all full already!!! WTF?
I thought that the school set my track and then left enough room for me to get into the classes. Apparently, it is like this instead...they tell you what classes you need to take and when and then you fend for yourself trying to get in those, because they let too many people into the program. They don't have enough class sections for the amount of people. Confused

I also received the study guides for my finals next week! OMG! I am going to be up for days on end trying to type up my take home final and working on my research paper.

Anyway, I sent my grad school advisor an email asking her for her help because I misunderstood the registration process. I hope she takes mercy on me and is willing to help me. My advisor really scares me. She's not the nice/warm/supportive client-centered type like one of my current professors.

Then, I got home from school this evening and my kids left for the weekend for their dad's, so I didn't see much of them. Kind of sad about that. Frowner
My ex also sent me 2 nasty e-mails sounding like he's blaming me for things again/still. ugh.
I asked him for 1/2 of the kids' medical co-pay bill, which he is legally obligated to pay, and you would have thought I killed him.

I planned on having strength in the next couple of days to go to T and talk about deep issues, but I don't know if I have it in me. I just want to break down crying.

I think after a day like this I'm going to bed early. Oh ya...maybe that's another reason I'm off....I only had 4 hours of sleep.

Thanks for listening to me whine about my day.
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I'm sorry you've had such a stressful day! That is really horrible how the registration at your school works. WTH?!

I can totally relate to freezing up in front of the class. I hate (HATE) doing role plays, especially when I have to be the therapist. Even when I have to be the "client," I get all hot and red. I wasn't there obviously and not trying to minimize your feelings, but I think it's totally normal to freeze up or not really know how to proceed in role plays. I've been in school for awhile (2 different degrees/programs) and being in front of the class is hard! Some people love it and really get into it, but in my experience, the majority of people live in fear of those role plays! Or maybe that's just my projection Wink

Hopefully sleep will help you destress and you can start your day tomorrow fresh!

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