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Hi all,

I just received my books for my first classes of grad school to become a T. I started paging through because I was sooo curious. Now, I'm panicking because the ethic laws look really difficult. I'm starting to doubt my abilities. I'm playing my what if game and worrying. Ugh!
Why do I do this to myself?
Do you guys do this type of thing too?

I wish I could see my T soon. That will have to wait at least a week though.
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Close your eyes and just breathe. If you stress yourself out what stuff your mind can usually hold won't because of the fear. I do this all the time.

Worst case senerio is you you POSSIBLY fail that part of the test. but even then you can make it up with extra credit stuff.

I enrolled in college this past week. I think you will be fine. Do your best and if it doesn't work, when the time comes, ask for help from your professor. they are really cool and really easy going. As long as you have the desire to learn they will work with you.

Anxiety sucks, but if you just breathe I know you can do it!
You are panicking because you are looking too far ahead, jumping ahead before you are learning the basics. Slow down and take one day and one step at a time. The classes will be paced so that you learn what you need in an orderly way.

I just finished an ethics course for Psychology earlier this year. It was a lot of reading and writing but it's not hard. Most of the ethics rules are common sense and having been in therapy you should be aware of some of them already. They also leave a lot of room for interpretation and this is where they want you to go. They want to make you think about all kinds of situations and how the ethics apply and why. By the end of the class you will have written about this so much you will know the rules backwards and forwards. I actually found it to be one of my most interesting classes.

Good luck with grad school. I wish I was able to continue on with that but for now it's not possible.

I understand being intimidated ((hug)) one day, one page, one sentence at a time Smiler

I do this type of thing too - especially with some of my really technical science classes. If the course is designed properly it will ease you in to or organize the material in a way that makes sense! And... if it's rough you can always get a tutor, ask your prof - lots of solutions if it's tough! But I totally understand psyching yourself out. It's a special skill of mine I always freak out before something happens then when it happens.. it's totally fine. But before it happens I need to prepare for every possible outcome. So I feel bad telling you it will be okay - but maybe if you make/accept some contingency plans you can calm your brain down. It works for me.

You guys are awesome!! Thank you for all the encouraging words and support!

Consider the Lilies-yup, I had stats this past semester and it made me cry too. I've heard just about everyone going into this field has had issues w/stats (my son's T, my T, my two friends that are T's). I am very fortunate that my mom is a math teacher and helped me a ton. I am eternally grateful to her for helping me through that horrible class!

I think some of my worrying is about the classes and how I'll do, but it's also worrying how I'm going to do it all. I have a ton on my plate at the moment. I feel like I'm juggling a ton of balls and I can't let any of them drop.
My ex hubby harassing me on a weekly basis (sometimes daily depending on his mood) drives me nuts. We have round two or three (losing count these days) of court custody battles coming up, my work, school, kids, my volunteer work a few times a month, and of course all the financial and legal crap of daily life. Whew! No wonder I'm tired, fighting off a cold and anxious. Some how I'm managing right now though.

Ok....that felt good to vent.
Anyway, thank you all for your kindness!

Those of you taking classes-I wish you the best!

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