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I tell my T a lot of things from this site and on many, many occasions it has created great opportunities for me to talk to my T. I may not want to bring up issues directly but will give examples from the site and we will discuss them. she actually loves hearing about the different topics and issues.

I think my T is too busy to go looking for this. I often send her links to resources, or books mentioned here - but NEVER tell her the name of this site....just in case she finds me.


It's hard to say but honestly I think they should come here and read. I think they'd learn a lot about how they come across and how much of their own baggage they are bringing into sessions. The whole therapy process was written from the point of view of the doctor with very little awareness of the patient. The patient's point of view is coming into the conversation a bit more now it seems. But I think it would make them better therapists if they did read here.

Okay, I'll get off my soapbox now. There was a point in time when I thought my therapist might be reading here because twice in one session he phrased something exactly the way I described it here. Eeker

Later on in our relationship, I gave him a youtube clip that someone here had shared with us. He liked it so much that he asked me where I got it. At first I wouldn't tell him because I was afraid he'd come here and poke around. I told him that at the next session where I got it and why I wouldn't tell him before. I offered to disguise myself so he could come take a look if he wanted to. He turned me down, saying, "that's your space."

I trust him enough now to believe that he wouldn't come here but I'm still not so sure about before. He IS a very busy man and so it'd be hard to imagine him finding the time to search the internet to see if he could even find this place and then find the cafe. But that question always lingers in my mind.
Honestly, I'd be shocked to learn that my T spent any of her free time looking up this kind of thing. It just doesn't sound like her at all. I know she has a lot of hobbies and interests and a busy, involved life outside of her work so I assume she'd want to prioritize those things in her off hours. . .

I'd imagine some therapists would/do read here, though. Maybe not to "stalk" specific clients (although I suppose that could happen. . . ?), but out of interest or curiosity. I think I might if I were a T. Smiler But I have more of a one track mind like that.
Thanks for all the answers I found them very interesting. I like to dream that my T. is interested I'n me after I leave that office. Maybe wonder what I'm like out there. But I constantly remind myself that basically I'm his paycheck & that's the main interest. Why would anyone wanto take work home w/them when they should leave it @ the office. I know how much I hate the amount of work my H brings home.
I would think if I was a T & there was a place where u could go & hear other people talk about people I'n ur profession you'd want that to help make improvements. But I'm not comfortable I'n my own work & constantly try to improve & look for feedback.
When I told T about this place, he first expressed interest and curiosity. After thinking it over a couple of weeks, I decided I'd give him the web address if he was curious, because I trusted him and I don't say anything on here that I don't eventually tell him anyway. He appreciated my being willing to do it, but said that he didn't really have time to go on and read it and I know from other conversations that he doesn't really do forums (nothing against them, just no time and preference for other communication media). Anyway, he does read articles I link him too, including some very long ones that I just expected him to glance at. Eeker

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