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My T and I go back and forth all of the time about the subject of me parenting myself . She INSISTS that I have to learn to mother myself in order to heal. My response has always been "I've already done it once, it's somebody elses turn." She tells me over and over again that I have to be the one to do it, and that no one can do it for me. While I understand that perfectly well, and believe it, I still find myself frustrated.

See, from the age of... seven or eight, I pretty much took care of myself AND my mother. She "needed" me for a lot- I often comforted her and was the fill-in husband when my dad was at work (which he always was). I learned to be responsible REALLY quickly, and to not need my mom for anything. Because of all of that, I feel like I have already mothered myself once. And the notion that I have to do it again pisses me off. I tell myself, "if you would have done it right the first time, you wouldn't have to do it again," but I know that isn't right either.

I guess I am just wondering if anyone else has had similar feelings about this.

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She INSISTS that I have to learn to mother myself in order to heal. My response has always been "I've already done it once, it's somebody elses turn." She tells me over and over again that I have to be the one to do it, and that no one can do it for me. While I understand that perfectly well, and believe it, I still find myself frustrated.

I know, I know, I know. I am sooo tired of having to be the one. I spent my entire life mothering and self soothing myself, and mothering my mother, and pushing my feelings and needs aside for every body else. It's like "Can't someone PLEASE just do this for me just for a little while?? Can't someone just notice I have a need and meet that need w/o me having to beg and plead for it???" Sometimes I want to scream! Sometimes I just sob because it is so unfair. Frowner

But I have to believe that our T's know what they are talking about and they know this is the way we need to do it, but it sounds as appealing as beating my head against a wall. But this time we _can_ get it right CT, because they are guiding us. We are not doing it alone this time. But I am pissed too.

"Can't someone PLEASE just do this for me just for a little while?? Can't someone just notice I have a need and meet that need w/o me having to beg and plead for it???"

JM and CT

Boy does this resonate with me! I have spent my whole life "wishing" that someone would see my needs and fulfill them for me. I mean, they have no problem asking me for help, why can't they see that I need it too?

Well of course, this is what I am working on with my T. It is just so hard to overcome the feeling that I am worthy of having needs. I have such a difficult time forgiving myself, valuing myself and just giving myself a break. All things that I should have gotten as a child, but didn't. And yes, it is so tiring to think that after mothering everyone else, I still have to find the energy to mother me! I'm not very good at that, but I am becoming more aware of my worth. Smiler

...someone would see my needs and fulfill them for me

yes, this one has always gotten me into trouble. firstly by wanting to hand responsibility for my wellbeing over to others altogether (usually boyfriends and you can probably imagine the desasters ...), but at the same time not accepting any real help/love from others at all. isn't that such a paradox???

so i'm working on taking care of myself whilst also accepting the care of others 'cause i ain't superwoman (tho i would like to be, independent, neending nobody .... ahh would life be easy...). not gotten far down that road at all sadly. just having proper, healthy, regular meals is a mission!


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