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***triggers re: church ickiness***

I went to the pastor and self proclaimed "spiritual director" to talk about spiritual stuff a hand full of times (7?) over the past 4 years. He has been ok and helpful in the past.

I recently told him I don't want to talk now because I found his questioning of me confusing... something new I didn't understand... his voice was semi-ok, but all his body language was tense... and he would question me, but the same questions and then cut me off 3 words into answering...

Everything about him told me he was mad at me but unwilling to say what the problem was. I flat out asked. He sad he was just trying to "understand." I told him I didn't want to talk for now, I needed space, and to please not email me. So he called my mother in another state... 1000 miles away... I'm an adult... even past traditional college age... and he freaked out my mother - I didn't understand why, but she told him to leave her alone... and he agreed.

He told me and my mother that I was welcome at the church any time. Adamantly. He told me I needed to "figure some stuff out" and he would be "avoiding you." I didn't know what he meant and didn't ask. Two weeks later, somehow, he kept calling and contacting me - no messages. So much for avoiding me. he then copied me on an email to my mother again oldly assuring her I was wlecome at the chiurch. I alled and said I don't want to be copied on emails - it is too triggering (and it is) and he said ok. He kept calling, no message. I called him and told him I felt mad about that in a vm message and that in counseling my T and I had been working on setting clear boundaries andstating what I want. I told him if he wants to talk, then phone or meetin would be fine but emails are triggering from him and others (my old T terminated on email) and my counselor suggested I shut down my account if needed to stop the emails and request a meeting in person. 15 minutes later he emailed me say I'm no longer welcome at the church - no reason given - and to not have any contact with him or any member of the church.

I have good friends in the church. If it wasn't for that... if it was just about him... I would be fine with a break from him.

But this is forever - no contact with anyone.

And no reason given.

I'm freaking out. Again.

I bounced his email back to him. He had a person who attends the church email me saying I needed to respect the decision of the pastor.


Kicking me out of a church on email? Ok... I don't want to go back now anyhow... but then saying I can't contact friends and no reason given?

I feel like I must be the most horrible disgusting person. I gave one friend the email - who is shocked. Really upset at the pastor about it. She was like... "he doesn't even give you a reason. He can't do this."

I have tried to settle about it since getting the email a few days ago. This morning I woke up with texts from a church volunteer coordinator telling me to check my email. I had asked 4 weeks ago to be taken off email lists and I had asked two weeks ago that the SD/pastor not email me and no one email me but call, bc I wasn't getting emails and it is not a good way for me to communicate (my T suggested this).

But now, 7am texts waking me up to tell me to check email.

Only to be told again, I'm kicked out - they told me, you need to read the email and respect Kevin's boundary to have no contact - and then copied the email.

Um, I have not been contacting him or anyone but the one friend who freaked out and I'm not doing email!

I'm the worst person.

I am so freaked out. Why is he doing his?

Complete abuse of power, by a church leader who tried to counsel me I guess... of me, a girl who can't handle people very well sometimes... apparently not well enough to be in a church, just left alone...

I get so freaked about abandonment... now I have a self proclaimed pastoral counselor breaking every boundary (ok the only boundary) of mine asked for (no email) to repeatedly email me in many ways to tell me he is suddenly abandoning me and telling friends I have to have nothing to do with me ... and without giving a reason!

I trusted him, at least a little...

I am freaking out...

Hurting really bad. No means NO! No emails! Stop!

I can't even tell him to stop - then I would get more emails saying I'm not respecting his boundaries.

I did respond to the texts asking to not be emailed. Texts! Not even a phone call? What the heck?

I feel so awful. This guy is triggering me like crazy. Stop. I miss friends badly. I don't know how I'd walk into a church again... I don't even care. I feel like the most disgusting person on the planet... my heart is shattering...

I just need the emails to stop. They are hurting. I have even volunteered with that church for a long time helping others and loved doin that...

6 weeks ago this SD said trust him and others to help me move, I risked and did...

This hurts so bad...

What did I do wrong? I've been like excommunicated... and I don't even know my so called "sin." I just didn't want more confusing one on one contact with this SD right now. No more counseling. Just be the pastor not the counselor. I already have a counselor. He said he was trying to be my counselor and I said I already have one.

I hate me.

~ jane
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*sigh* Jane, I am soooo sorry this has happened to you.

Spiritual abuse is ugly and devastating. It's disillusioning and tears at your very soul and the core of your beliefs. I hate that it happens.

I went through a similar experience years ago-- my family was excommunicated from a church we loved by a controlling, manipulative, and twisted elder. It was pretty awful, especially because I was an idealistic teen at the time and felt shattered by the rejection.

Unfortunately, I have come to believe that some very messed up people become attracted to positions of church leadership. I suppose that is the case with people in general. They are attracted to religion for various reasons and not all of them are good, healthy, or safe. I haven't given up on church, fellowship, or other believers, but I'm very cautious now. I especially don't think pastoral counseling is something I would *ever* seek again at this point in my life. There's just too much vulnerability on one side and too much power on the other.

I find working with a secular T (she has religious beliefs, but they are not the basis of her career) much better and safer. The boundaries are clearer, and she doesn't feel any weird sense of spiritual responsibility for me. I think sometimes that can lend itself to the kind of abuse you are describing here.

This is totally not your fault. This man has serious issues and unfortunately they have hurt you, but I believe you can survive this and in time find a loving faith community elsewhere. It may take some time and you may always be wary (I am, and I think it's a good thing), but it's so much better to keep making the attempt than to give into cynicism. At least that is what I tell myself. Smiler

Again, I'm sooo sorry this happened to you. Be gentle with yourself. I hope you will be able to work through this in a meaningful way with your T.

This whole thing is so upsetting. I don't like the fact that he wouldn't respect your boundaries to begin with. Why would you have to share any more information than you were comfortable doing? Why would he contact your mother when you told him not to? I know a Kevin who was a pastor at a church and he was a total lunatic. Wound up getting kicked out of the last church he was pastor of. I hope it's not the same one. But all the same, I'm so sorry for the loss of your friends and your community.

Jane, who would kick anyone out of a church? They don't even kick murderer's out of church. It makes me very sad that he would hurt you like this.

I don't know what to say except that it might be best to try to find a replacement church community. Try not to beat yourself up. This guy doesn't sound like he knows what he's doing. Actually, Jane, this guy doesn't sound very Christian to me at all. He doesn't even sound stable. It's not you Jane.


Thanks heldincompassion and Liese and gg.... oh your words help so much right now. I'm going to re-read... right now I'm at the nearest phone company office, waiting for them to confirm they have blocked his number. The guy just called me aain, this time leaving a voicemail message where he read his email to me. So I rushed off to the nearest store for my phone company and now have his number now blocked.

One of my Ts is christian doesn't do "christian counseling" (whatever that means) and my other T is totally secular. Actually went to a school for counseling that was buddhist I think... Both have good boundaries... they are so important... and they both deeply respect mine. I don't understand the pastoral counseling land... too much lack of clarity with too little outside check on boundaries with too much power... too much for me to deal with...

I have seen abuse in the church before. I wasn't directly involved but my old roommate was hurt terribly, criminally, and it shook up my own life and heart a bit to see what the leader did - I was the only one who listened to her and went with her to the police... and it all exposed me to people in power that trashed their power or role. Terrible. It was huge for me to walk into this church after that, let alone speak with this guy... and part of why this hurts all the more... he knew... I knew the danger and risk was real, I went cautiously. Trying to heal. But he has trashed my boundaries. My head and my heart are just screaming silently "no not again." It feels a little like when my father left. (Great - last thing I needed was father related transference pain.) ?y father left so abrupt, no explaination... except this guy he keeps reminding me of the pain by repeatedly sending the message. (Just because he trashes my boundaries doesn't mean don't get the message from him.) I find myself actually longing for an actual father right now - the kind I never had - the kind that would call this guy back and say "hey, stop messing with my daughter." I called my T this afternoon freaking out, an she called this icky SD and told him to stop contacting me, he wasn't helping.

I'm spinning. My friends... my heart... My God. It isn't supposed to be this way. I find the God feels so important to me, more than ever. And people baffle me.

I want to give up... and yet something in me also says, "No. No way. I have fought way too long and hard to heal." Not just the church wound, but in general. I'm amazed by how much this hurts, how quickly old thinking is surfacing... thinking that comes from abuse from family I grew up in... and how deeply this hurts now... It is an abuse of power, of trust. Not just a failure to be trustworthy - but the abuse of power combined with faith...

Oh it helps so much to know I'm not alone in this right now. And here comes the thought that I am awful for hurting so bad and thinking I'm all to blame.

This doesn't define me... not all christians are like this... I'll find a new church... where I can be safer... I tell myself this, and my heart is hurting so bad... I just don't believe it...

I will respond better soon. I'm just spinning. But doing a good thing to say "no" to this guy and try to find some steady ground in my heart to not give in to all the old thinking that the pain is always all my fault. I'm scared. I wish I was stronger.

~ jane
(((Jane))) There is nothing wrong with you. I am beyond belief confused and appalled by this pastor's actions. I am so sorry it's hard for you to feel safe in a church and you feel like brothers and sisters are being stolen away from you. That's awful. My JW background from my paternal grandmother sometimes makes it really hard for me to feel safe with God, church and people of "faith." I know how terrifying it is when the first place you should be able to turn is to your Father and His family and they are the last place you feel safe. Frowner I am so proud of you for putting up boundaries and holding them. I know it feels horrible, but you are doing an amazing job! You are handling the situation with grace and it's not fair that you are the only one who seems to be doing that. I hope your other friends are able to rally around you and give you the support you need and deserve. I wish I had a way to make it better or something really wise to say. You seem to be very wise about this situation all on your own, though, despite all the triggering. I'm really sorry you're always having to try to be so strong at times when it seems like it would be best to just be able to have somewhere safe to really let yourself be weak and carried.
Thanks so much everyone. I had to breakdown and take an anti anxiety med to keep me safe... I just started crying and it made my cold turn into coughing fits and the doc said it was time to take the meds. My heart hurts so bad, but I'm hoping for a good solid night of sleep will help me face things tomorrow. Sunday. Frowner I'm really feeling the effect of the med, so going to take my groggy self to bed. I'll respond more later to whateveryone has said. Your words have helped me so much...
Hugs to you all,
((((Jane)))) He is way, way bigger and He'll never let you go. I'm so sorry about this SD/pastor. I am just baffled by his behavior. I am glad your friend stood up for you, but sorry it's so painful to receive. But, Jane, you deserve good, kind friends who want to stand by you. That is the kind of friend you seem like you would be. I know you would want to be there for someone who is hurting like you are, so I hope you can bit by bit accept he same from others who are showing themselves to be safe and true.
I really understand what you are going through because I've been there myself. There are churches where the pastors think they have spiritual authority over people in their churches. One time we left a church because of spiritual abuse and got a letter from the pastor telling us that our lives would be cursed because we left his "covering". I should have learned at that time to run from that particular type of church. Another time I was in a much more abusive church and when I somehow finally left, I was shunned by all the members. I didn't do anything wrong and didn't deserve curse letters and shunning. All of this made me get mad at God. Now that I'm in therapy eight years later, I am sorting through it and am letting it go. I am no longer mad at God and realize that He never left me. Take your time and talk about it with your real therapist. While it is hurtful and seems hopeless, you can come out of this stronger.
Wow, thanks everyone. Your support means so much to me. I'll respond more later... just sort of jumbled up about all of this.

A really supportive friend contacted me this morning saying that SD said something else to her and she quit, walked out... called me to say she was so sorry... she wanted to help deal with what was wrong... I quickly told her that she never has to apologixe for something like that. She then told me was former SD said. Ugh. Right now, while I miss friends there a lot... so much... the SD is being horribly unsafe and so abusing hi power, that I couldn't help but tell my friend I thought it was really good to leave... and for us both to find a place that is better...

It has all been terribly stunningly disorienting. I have known this SD and his wife and family for years and feels like he trashed my trust... betrayed it... abused his power...

I am hurting, but riding each new wave of grief is getting easier.

Your support ad just being able to be here is so grounding.

missing friends a lot tonight... was I too attached? I worked so hard to risk to trust a little...

I went to a new church yesterday, looking around... I just don't fit anywhere...

I miss friends. I feel so alone in life sometimes, without any family of my own... tonight I woke up with my heart hurting for my own family of orgin, and this just STINKS!

sorry to ramble on, I woke up hurting bad .nd needed to share somewhere... not knowing anything...

(((((( JD ))))))

I'm so sorry for what you're going through right now (on top of everything else you have to deal with).

I hope you can reach a point where your SD's behaviour stops hurting you and you can see that it's all HIM and not anything to do with you. And those people who are truly your friends will remain your friends despite the poison this man seems to be dripping in their ears.

Hope your day gets a bit better

((((((((Jd))))) I just wanted to send some hugs your way...I am so sorry about what was done to you, and I hope that you will be able to find a church where the people are accepting and respectful, and know how to share real love with one another. You deserve to feel comforted and cared for...prayers, that you will find a really beautiful place that fills your heart and soul with God's love and comfort. I wish I could bring you to church with me- nobody is allowed to kick anyone out of church, especially someone as sweet as you.



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