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Hi all,

I had a really neat experience today I wanted to write about, because it's showing me just how much I've learnt from therapy and I want to bask in it a bit - and reinforce it!

A little tricky to write about without too much identifying info (call me paranoid...) but I'll try.

I had an email last night that alerted me there was going to be a 'situation' at work today. A predictable, normal situation, which in our workplace involves talking with someone with an opposing viewpoint until we reached a compromise.

But in this case the 'someone' I was going to have to negotiate with is male, kinda aggressive, and has crossed a boundary with me before in a very uncomfortable way that I never dealt with. Same physical type as my stepdad. Bad reputation for getting angry when he doesn't get his way.

When I found out last night I freaked and felt sick, and stayed up extra late preparing. But GUESS WHAT?!

I stood my ground!!! I felt anxious at first, but not even actually scared, and instead of my brain freezing I was able to think about and remember why this was important to me (because I care about the reputation of our organisation, and the future of the people we work with), and to articulate it!!!

The discussion took forever, because he was trying to insist that I do all the compromise instead of us meeting in the middle. He threw everything he could think of at me - how it was going to upset everything, how I wasn't really informed on the issue, how I was inconveniencing everybody, how I was being unfair. And I stayed calm and comfortable and talked out all the issues and articulated my own opposite point of view and stuck to it.

Eventually he just kept saying he WOULDN'T compromise. I reminded him how far I'd already been willing to compromise AND - get this - told him I wasn't willing to compromise any further!

So he went away, got a second opinion, then came back and met me in the middle, like I'd originally offered!

I can hardly believe this. Another female colleague came in and told me she could never have done it, that she just can't have that kind of argument. But I looked her in the eye and said it was a learned skill, and that I had only just learned it myself, and that it was something we both needed.

Actually I'm not sure how I learned it, except that not that long ago I was too scared to tell my T that I disagreed with her or was upset with her. And now I find all those little ruptures and repairs were about so much more than her and me. And all the work on boundaries around my relationship - well, my relationship is still not 'sorted', but I now have proof that I GET the boundary thing, so much better than before! (And it is toooootally not about fending the other person off - it is about knowing and staying grounded with what you believe in).

I know I haven't learned all this at once, that some of it is from processing I've done over a longer time, but I'm still amazed that I was able to do this. And proud, too, because I seriously believe that I stood up for the right thing today.

Hip hip hooray for progress! Thanks to all of you for how MUCH you've taught me. A lot has come from the learning I do here.

Okay, stepping off the podium (wait - let me thank my agent Cool ) - but I'm totally keen to hear other people patting themselves on the back now - big achievements, tiny achievements - bring it on!

hugs for all, Jones
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oooo...this is awesome Jones! I am so happy for you! It must be so good to feel, all that you have been working so hard on now has a tangible can now look and say "look what I did!" You deserve many pats on the back, and may I also give you one or two now? Thank you, I do believe I will!

Big Grin

Aww, thank you you guys!

Thanks Monte - feels like it was a long road to get here, but at the same time, like - wow, that was actually easy!

DF, that is a big part of why I wanted to share - I learn so much from reading about the wins from other people, and I'm delighted to think that someone could get something from this too. Want some chocolate cake to go with it? Smiler

Ooh, BB, thanks for the pats - but careful, you'll make me wag my tail off!!!
Hey Jones!

This was nothing short of AMAZING! Big Grin Especially considering that you were treated this way by your stepdad. What an incredible victory for you, Jones! And I totally get that the victory was in stating your truth and standing your ground, and not allowing someone to force you to cave through bullying-type tactics. And you remained calm through it all. This is the kind of thing I have never been able to do...I completely fall apart when confronted in the manner you described, ESPECIALLY when I know where I stand and feel strongly about it. Seriously, I just go into panick mode, my intellect goes completely off-line, and I start crying. Not real effective, to say the least! And so frustrating later, when my brain comes back on-line, knowing that I knew what I wanted to say, but couldn't say it. So really, what you describe looks like a miracle to me! I'm thrilled for you that you were able to do this! And so glad that you shared it here. You really should be proud of yourself, and you very much deserve that pat on the back! Way to go!! Big Grin

Jones, that is great!
I think that's the proof that therapy works. We do absorb something and it is coming out in moments like this, without us knowing how and where is it coming from.
I think I had a similar moment or moments. not as solid as yours but just a glimpse of something. It's like my boundary is getting more visible for me, like I feel it more. I know it's just a beggining of something, it's not there yet, but I want more of it.

I noticed recently that I dare to stand up to my T and get back at him a tiny bit. It feels good and he seems to be all happy when I'm raising my head.

Well done!! I want it too! Smiler
Thank you so much SG, DF, SF, Amazon (hi Amazon! I've missed you!) and AG!

Chocolate cake all round! And an update: two other people who negotiated with this person in this 'round' came away feeling bullied and like they overcompromised. They have complained, and he will be talked to. I got praised by my boss for not rolling over, because rolling over encourages something really destructive.

In other news, the home front has gone badly awry (I tried to hold a boundary...), and I'm actually feeling pretty awful right now. BUT when I came back here this morning I reconnected to this, and I still feel good about it. It hasn't disappeared.

Thanks all, it's great to celebrate.

truly late to this shin-dig, but my congrats is heartfelt, Jones.
That is an amazing outcome. this is why we go to therapy- so we can carry our strength and power into the real world and use it when we need to. Hats off to you Jones, nice job!

Something yu said- I'd like to make it into a sign and wear it around my neck for a while, may I?

I GET the boundary thing, so much better than before! (And it is toooootally not about fending the other person off - it is about knowing and staying grounded with what you believe in).

I like that, I could use that. thanks for sharing your victory- what an inspiration to us all.
Hey Jones,

That is so awesome to hear how effectively you stuck to your boundaries with what sounds like a very, very difficult person. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm sorry to hear about your troubles at home. But I'm glad that you were able to get back in touch with how empowered you felt in the other situation. I hope that you feel better have really done an amazing thing!

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