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That is awesome about the weight, especially since I am trying to tackle the issue now and am trying to approach it differently than in the past. At some point I may want to pick your brains. Smiler

My cool thing is that when I'm with the Technical people at work (serious geeks around here of which I number myself one) and they hear I volunteer on a crisis line, they're like "cool." And when I tell people at the Crisis line that I am a technical writer with an engineering degree, they go "cool"

The left brain people think its weird I do such a right brained thing and the right brained people think its weird I do such a left brained thing. I get a lot of strange looks. Big Grin


PS I think this is a pretty cool thread.
Ok I noticed thatRT added hers but it took me awhile to figure mine out. One is I'n 2000 I lived & studied In china for four months. Wayyyy before little ones came along.
Two is I used to be a huge adrenalin junky & would start I'n a heart beat if I could. It really helped me develop a stronger side to myself, maybe a dark side too. We did some stupid stuff...but it was awesome!
Three is I have a motorcycle I rarely use. It's nice little Honda 800, but secretly I long for a lowrider Hog!someday & I want the skull cap to go w/ it. Lol. Then show off my tats @ bike week In Florida! Yeah, think I'm a bit old for that one.
Scars Kudos for the zip line, never in a million years, too scared of heights!

(Scars, sorry I was thinking of you but typed Turtle! Didn't mean to hand off your accomplishment. Smiler)

I am unfamiliar with Turtle's work (but I must confess intrigued) but I have it on the finest authority that Catalyst's art is pretty amazing, very powerful and emotive. She is too modest by far. Big Grin (Sorry Cat been sitting on my hands for days!)

This is really great hearing about everyone's accomplishments. RT, thanks again for starting the thread. And thanks for the offer, I'll be around at some point. Smiler
Checking back in after a busy exhausting weekend of kids stuff. I didn't think I have anything cool until I remembered the first time I met someone who I first met through my blog. She was surprised that I am a scientist. I work in a molecular biology lab in a university near me. She said she thought I would be a barely functional stay at home mom from my blog. I guess the public me and the personal one who writes on the internet are very different.

RT I also am working on weight loss so I would love to hear your tips.

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