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My cat died last year just shy of 16 but I have many hilarious memories of him.

One is that one night, our cat was asleep in the living room and his snoring was so loud it woke DH and I up out of our sleep!

The other is that around 6am, he would often jump on the bed, walk up toward the head of the bed between DH and I and then sit right next to my face and start roaring like a lawnmower. I'd open my eyes and see these HUGE cat eyes staring me down.
Cats are amazing. Definitely more of a cat person than a dog person, though I do own both.

GreenEyes, your story reminds me of my old kitty, Oliver, who lived with us when we lived in the US. He used to do the same thing and also sit on top of the computer monitor (back when they were grey and bulky) to get attention, and inside of the drier!

My favorite cat in the world is my 3 year old female, Frida. She's fat and she has black spots against white fur, so I call her my cow cat. Smiler I don't think I've ever shared that kind of closeness with any animal but her, and it all began when I was listening to my iPod and dancing and she came to me and started hopping along. It was the cutest and sweetest thing ever.
Lol those are great stories! I can relate to yours Greeneyes. Is that how you chose your name?

I have had both cats and dogs and I am truly a dog person.

I have so many funny stories about my pets but I can try to narrow it down to one story....

A long time ago I brought my beagle/terrier mixed dog to a group therapy session. She laid in the middle of the room on her side. She was totally quiet until this one woman began to speak. I and I think many other people found this woman to be annoying. She'd constantly talk about how her two boyfriends would fight over her. (I mean why did she have two boyfriends in the first place?) After she went on for some time about this suddenly my dog let out the loudest longest snort in the world! It was as if she was saying "Shut the hell up beyotch! No one wants to hear it!" OMG even the group leaders were biting their tongues in an effort to refrain from laughing. Most in the room burst out laughing. GOd I loved dog.
Last edited by turtle
My kitten learned to play fetch the first time I threw a ball for her.

I thought that was pretty smart and cute. She brings it to me every morning when I wake up. Only a specific ball, and my other cat will not touch it. Since she started doing that my other cat demonstrated to me that he does understand fetch but chooses not to play. Instead he carries around this soft toy I call his "baby" and he wails and gives it to me... for which I have to thank him and pet him and love him... and then set that stinky old thing back down somewhere.

He lost it and I had to but him the EXACT same kind to replace it. He's quite particular.

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