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Gah! Perish the thought!

It depends upon how narcissistic the T is. I often read these posts and those on Psych Central and think, "That could so totally be me."

There's something about it that is a shared experience.

Now, if you're sharing specific details, it's possible.

I wonder if T's read through these boards to find out what their clients are REALLY thinking about the relationship and their therapy?

And finally, I really would LOVE to read a message board for and by T's where they all talk about their clients. Wouldn't that be juicy?

Would you want to be a fly on the wall in your T's supervision meeting? ACKKKKK
I don't particularly think about the therapist reading on here. I really do not think we are as unique to them as we are to our selves and are not as easily identifiable as we think. I think we all sound pretty much alike.
Plus I really don't think, even if they read here, it would be with the idea of trying to identify the writers as being one of their clients. I think of this like when my students think I know which exam is theirs (we have blind grading) - I really am not going to spend my time trying to figure out which exam belongs to which student. I have better ways to spend my time - I assume the therapist has better ways to spend her time too. I actually do believe therapists should read forums like this. I think it would help them learn a lot in general.
There are themes that pop up here regularly and the threads all go about the same way - read back on some old ones and then read some new ones. Some of the poster names change, but not the posts really in any significant way, in my opinion. There are certain roles that different posters put on, but at any given time, someone will be filling that role regardless of the actual poster doing it.
I have not said anything on here or the other forum I frequent that I have not, in some way and usually the same way, told the woman.
Originally posted by RedTomato:
I think my T would say -- wow RT. If you can be that supportive of others, why are you so hard on yourself?

My T says that to me all the time! LOL I talk about my interactions with others and explain how the conversation went and my T always notes that I give more love to others than to myself.

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