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so I have noticed that after the past couple of sessions of processing difficult stuff, I am slow in my responses. It's weird. It's like my reflexes are significantly slower for a couple of hours. I am not dissociative - which is actually new. emotionally, I have been all over the place. I have felt anxious beyond all reason, sad, calm, relieved, disgusting, angry... just about every emotion and more. Physically in the session, I have a lot of phsyical sensations that come up. I notice them and tell my T and we talk of it a little (as much as I can stand). My T is doing a really good job of always spending the last 15 minutes or so containing and putting away all the icky stuff. It's not entirely all away (thus the emotionally rollercoaster). I will also have body flashbacks sometimes. But without varying, the past 5 sessions I have been slow in my responses.

I usually like to move - and do. Somehow, it seems to help shake off the session as much as I can and get out some of all the activated engery. However, when I try to stop (since I am in a wheeled thing usually) it takes longer than before I went into the session.

Then the slowness goes away and physically, I feel exhuasted.

I have no idea what this is about, and my T doesn't have any idea either. Any ideas? Has anyone else experienced anything like this? Or had other physical feelings after sessions talking about trauma?

~ jd
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I experience substantial physical reactions after processing trauma stuff or anything that I find really tough going like yesterday's session. I slow down too, find other people impossible to be around and just usally want to go to sleep as well, I did for a couple of hours after yesterdays session (we had the day off in the UK) and I also find I can not tolerate a lot of noise,or concentrate so it is good to know that I am not the only one too
Jane, I usually need to sleep for at least an hour and sometimes more after a strong session and then often cannot climb out of bed for another hour or more.
I sometimes shake or my teeth chatter uncontrollably if it is really bad.
I am drained/worn out/exhausted.

It is hard. I have occasionally swum for an hour to get some of the extreme charge of energy out of my system, but that is not the norm for me. I often feel sleepy, slow, drained.

Like you.

My T often suggests I take it easy the rest of the day, sleep or rest if I can, and don't expect too much of myself. He also says it might take a while for my body to sort itself out. That it is normal.
thanks everyone

I touched on something that came with a huge physical and emotional response today w my T. It surprised me. I got on my bike afterwards, and it totally feels like the world is moving very slowly... and I have been shakey and nauseous (all of which my T says makes sense). It feels really weird, but it helps to know I'm not alone. It's frustrating for me... it's like "dang it, the trauma is over... not this now!" But I know too that this trauma response got stuck in my body in order for me to survive the trauma and now I'm finally feeling it... and it will lead to healing... I hope...

It helps to know I'm not alone in dealing with such physical responses.

~ jane

edited to add: Thankfully the slowness has worn off, but I'm still so sick to my stomach 12 hours after my appointment that I'm begining to wonder if I have a cold or something. I never expected to be in a place where I wasn't sure if I was processing trauma or getting the flu.

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