Some of them are things I have had frequently for years, went to the doctor for, and rather than run a battery of tests, they just said, "Um...probably tendinitis or something" and I accepted it, even though it was sometimes quite randomly triggered. Others are things I've had for years and just assumed were "normal" for everyone (um, guess I do a lot of that and am often wrong), but I won't say exactly, because I don't want to trigger anyone. Some are fairly new or at least not frequent and intense enough for me to remember repeated instances.
Anyway, my first question is...since this seems to be a predictable, if not common, re-experiencing of trauma, what is the science behind it?
My second question there any way to help put them away between sessions? I am getting ambushed by them more often recently and it brings other stuff into my mind, which can make it hard to be as functional. I know it's probably not realistic to only have those things pop up when I am discussing flashbacks, etc. in sessions, but that would be ideal.