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for Good Friday service. Just got the song list yesterday and, though I've heard them all before, I've only ever played one of them. So, at least four songs I don't know how to play that I have about 45 minutes to practice with the band before I have to perform them. Nervous, but know it's just an "offering" and I don't have to be perfect for it to be acceptable.

Singing in the choir for the first time ever Sunday (granted my voice returns all the way) too. Very nervous. What am I most nervous about? I'm not one of those big, smiley singers and despite asking for tall people in front of me to hide me, I don't have any. So, I'm afraid I'm going to look ridiculous up there, even if I sound good. I hate being seen...that's why I play the drums. Blah!

Wish me luck!
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