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I just got myself all tangled up in another trigger (and I was starting to make some forward progress too!)

Why does being assertive hurt so much? I guess I actually know the answer to my own question, but the logical answer isn't touching my emotional reaction (as usual Roll Eyes) The logical answer, is that I only know to associate being assertive or saying no with the very real memories of harsh punishment. (a bit like pavlov's dogs, they heard the bell ring, they started drooling) But I'm stuck in trying to shut that reaction off now.

The thread I made earlier about a relative who was being very badgering and insistent on me reconnecting with my abusive father, has contacted me again in the name of helping me. He made a comment about me 'not trying to heal' and I blew an internal gasket. I won't lie, I felt livid. To make a long boring story short, I pulled from every 'interpersonal effectiveness skill' I've learned yet and my exact statement to him was 'I need you to understand that I am seeing a professional who just last week told me I 'work my ass off' in therapy. I cannot stress enough how much I will not have this discussion with you anymore. And if it was my wish to spend time with my father, I would be doing so. I need you to trust and respect my reasons for not being around him.'

And internally, I then had a brief, microsecond moment of celebration. And then I was met with a rather sad response of 'I was just trying to be helpful and I'm sorry you view me as a hindrance instead of a help' and I immediately slid into old familiar territory. My dad was highly proficient at throwing shame storms at me every time I resisted his abuse, and I'm so sensitive to that. So what do I do? In classic 5 year old me mode, I apologized for 'lashing out' and now I'm getting a silent treatment. Which is just sending me reeling into all the same feelings I know too well of 'WHY did I apologize??!!!' mixed with simultaneous 'I'm such a monster to have lashed out like that!!'

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AH, please catch back ahold of that microsecond of celebration, because WOW!!! Good for you!!! I am so impressed!

It's baby steps. This was an important moment. The echoes you hear that tell you you are a monster come from a place of injury, and you don't need to accept that. You were standing up for yourself, and that's huge!! I am not sure if you have a child, but imagine for a moment that you were your kid. Wouldn't you be so proud of her for standing up for herself, for protecting herself? I know I would be. I would be absolutely delighted!!

Keep up the good work!
Well done AH!!! I can gladly join exploring in celebrating you assertiveness. That's awesome work, and amazing to have the clarity of thought to do it in the heat of the moment like that. I'm impressed. Smiler

As for, "Why did I apologise?" Because you're human. Because it hurts to be shut down and invalidated like that, and because as child, the person abusing you was the only source you had to mirror who you were, and so you learned to trust the negative responses of people who are hurtful to you. You don't need to beat yourself up for reacting to his response in a way that was once the safest option for you. Just know that you have many of us here who are proud of you and glad that you stood up for yourself. You're amazing!!

AH, if your quote is verbatim, i did not read an apology, not did i detect a lashing out. you were assertive! and that, my dear, is healthy! his response back to you is full of self-pity and playing on your emotions, begging for you to feel guilty for "lashing out" ... which you didn't. please don't buy into the "I'm sorry you view me as a hindrance instead of a help" crap. it's got self-pity and guilt written all over it. B.S. Maybe something like "thanks for trying to be helpful, but I need you to trust and respect my reasons for not being around him". you really and truly done good! believe it and be proud of yourself!
Thank you guys

(((exploring))) (((saka))) (((CD))) (((pengs)))

Thank you for all the support, I feel a bit silly after the fact, I'm not sure why I had a session with T about it yesterday and she told me she's seen huge progress in my self advocacy, and that she was really proud of how much I'd taken what I'd practiced with her and applied it in this case. It still feels so extremely foreign and shameful for me to say no to anything, and I have to struggle enormously even in the small ways to be assertive. It feels like I can do it at the last moment of what I can stand of someone's poor behavior, but T kept insisting I've come a long way.

What's so bad is after this conversation, he finally came back and told me I was 'incredibly hurtful' which I expected Mad T said it makes so much sense why I struggle with the simplest no, because that's the sort of message I received with it all my life. My family has a distinct pattern of provoking you until you make the smallest hint of disagreeing or trying to protect yourself, and then they cry about how 'cruel' you were to them. It's a behavior that I know all too well and it gives me chills when I run into it from anyone now. It's infuriating and exhausting. I'm just going to stay as far away from it as possible.

Thank you each, I really do appreciate all the kind thoughts and each of you really helped me a lot with this. I'm going to try to hold on to your words of being proud of me and keep moving forward
Hug two

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