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Hi all,
This is not a story or anything like it, I just can't handle feeling like I do right now. I feel I'm about to snap any moment now. I called my T and P and I really don't think the answer is to pop more pills, or to take deep breaths. This has been a horrible week, and even though my rational side tells me I can get through this my other side says it's not worth the pain anymore... I'm scared of my thoughts and of letting go.
Please somebody tell me what I can do to hold on, I can't deal with this anymore even though I want to. I've tried sooo hard! And I can't stand the idea of hurting the people around me!
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Can you hang on for an hour? In an hour, ask the question again, can you hang on for another hour?

Try to stay in the present and not get lost in the past or the future, both of which can feel overwhelming. When you are in a better place, then you can worry about those things, but while you are feeling like you might snap, give yourself permission to take refuge in the moment. Leave the past in the past and the future in the future.

I hope that helps a little. It's what I do when I'm feeling overwhelmed. That, and cry, if I can.
Intense... I'm so sorry you are having such a hard time these days. I think Z gave you good advice. Try to do somethiing for yourself... call a friend, take a walk outside and look around you and breathe, have a cup of tea. Try not to dwell on past pain or worry about the future. Think of the now and be kind to yourself. And talk to your T and P. If you are feeling really at the edge of harming yourself go to the emergency room and tell them.

Things will look different tomorrow. Don't ever lose hope... there is always the chance that something wonderful will happen tomorrow. You need to hang in there and get help. Pleas let us know how you are.

I hope you are ok. I have a couple suggestions that sometimes work for me:
- If you have a pet, take a walk or goto the park or just sit with your pet and pet them. Petting an animal reduces stress, blood pressure, etc.
- Go walk on a nature trail or a bike trail. Somewhere pretty.
- Goto a bookstore or a toystore and look around
- Goto the movies
- Call a friend and go get ice cream or coffee or dinner
- Rent a funny movie and laugh your ass off
- Take plates and throw them against a tree (painting them with faces is fun first)
- Get one of those blow-up kids punch bags that sits on the floor and hit it, kick it, etc.
- Take a nap

Hang in there. Hope your T and P called back.
Thank you! I was going to delete my post yesterday and then went out with a friend.
Z: I always try to hang on moment by moment, and it does work most of the time. My biggest problem is that I can't cry when I need it the most, then, when I don't think I feel bad at all, I cry, making me feel like a complete fool. But thanks
SG: My T and P told me to take a double dosage of my medication, which I don't think is the answer... They were great,they talked to me over the phone, until I didn't want to anymore. It's just me struggling with wanting to hurt myself all the time, and doing it sometimes. But when it gets really bad I'm afraid of what I'll be capable of doing even though in the end I'm a coward and worry about the pain my actions will cause on my loved ones. Pathetic I know
TN:I did go out with a friend. My spouse is on alert when I feel this way (I mean to get me to the emergency room if necessary)It's just so overwhelming, I'm sorry, it was an unnecessary post! I don't know how to deal with abandonement, and one of the dearest and loved persons in my life is leaving today to another country which is what triggered me this week...
LT: I am ok, well, not ok obviously but am still here.I can't sleep at all, it's one of the medications I take but even with it I can get IF I'm lucky 2 or 3 hours sleep.(and this week has been 0 hours sleep) But I do spent most of the time lying down on my bed.
I'm sorry everyone! I shouldn't have posted this! It was a desperate moment but it passed.
THANK YOU for bearing with me. Like my nick says I'm very "intense", and impulsive, etc. I must learn to contol my feelings!
I'm fine, thank you again!
I don't think you guys will be able to suggest something. I just needed to say something. Can't believe I'm at this point again. I could empathize all too well with feelings Intense was having when I read the post and now i'm feeling the same. It's my first weekend "on my own" as such. Usually I have some distraction or friends place to go to. But last night and today I have only had myself for company and I feel like I'm going nuts. I honestly don't know what to do and it's so frightening.Those pent up tears are starting to show now.

This isn't a cry for help...I guess I just feel it's good to share and write out these feelings so that they're real and not just in my head.
Hi CL... it seems, like me, you are really afraid of those tears and emotions... especially when you are feeling alone. I understand. Well, even if you don't have plans this weekend you can still be good to yourself and do somthing you enjoy. Rent a funny movie and get yourself something really good to eat. Take a walk or a drive somewhere. Write in your journal, go for a manicure of pedicure. Something different.

I hope you are doing better. Keep posting, that helps too.


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