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Hi All,
I was working through some feelings and a poem popped out that I wanted to share.

The Leavetaking
A place of sanctuary and safety
To be known and to know
Resonance moving to and fro
to the pull of inner unseen tides
Treading the unspoken limbic paths
Not spoken yet love lingers in the air
Held tightly yet turning in perfect freedom
But there are paths not followed,
ways you must not walk
To speak, but not act
Forbidden paths provoke a trial of pain
How long will this trial be bourne?
The eternal human cry bursts forth
But this is finally home!
Why leave?
How to leave?
The quiet returns: But how to stay?
To waste the gift which is given?
The bitter cup is here.
Sweetened with herbs of joy and thanks
Irony lingers heavy on the tongue
Deprivation filled only by going forth
Leaving an unspeakable abundance
The gift of self, intended before time was
Accepting the given self
Is embracing life
Nothing held back
Carrying a heart
As yours is carried
One last time the lesson
There is no need to grasp
True to the end
Honoring of the other’s needs
Launches a newborn into flight
Sped on the way by love

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Thank you for that AG,

I understand it so well.

You must have a similar relationship to your T as I have, even though I've only been going for 16 months.

It sounds as though- (like me to my T)your T will always hold a special place in your heart, no matter what life brings. Perhaps the distance will make you stronger still, because you realize that YES, you can do this - handling life business-because of how you've grown through that special relationship.

I wish you well- as always.
Thanks for all the affirmation, I always have such mixed feelings about the poetry I write that I really appreciate the feedback.

AG, for a technical writer you write a mean poem.

Talk about damned with faint praise! Big Grin LOL

But seriously, I think one of the biggest shocks in therapy for me was FINALLY realizing after a lifetime of living in my left brain is that I'm a right brain kind of person! I think part of why I'm feeling so much better these days is because I'm pursuing activities, like writing poetry and volunteering on the crisis line which utilize my right brain strengths. I said to my T once that it was so bad that I was a right-brain person who had fled so hard into her left brain as to get an engineering degree. But he pointed out that it was what had enabled me to survive. So I try to respect both halves. Smiler So it was actually very cool that you pointed that out, thanks.


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