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My T called in sick! First time ever in three years that she had to cancel an appt with me. The poor me part is that I am leaving for a trip Thurs so I won't see her for two weeks now instead of just 10 days. So, yes I am sad and a little distraught even though I know I can get through this on my own I just don't want to.

(picture little girl, with a severe pout on her face, arms crossed and foot stamping the ground - this is me right now
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Great photo River. Reminds me of me yesterday in therapy when I got mad at my T and really dug in my heels!

As for Ts getting sick. My T canceled for sickness once...he had the 24 hour stomach flu and I was just as happy not to get it from him LOL. He also canceled once for some surgery. That was agonizing because I was so worried about him. I know this is extra hard because it runs into your own trip and prolongs the separation. But remember that when you are traveling it seems less difficult because you are busy and distracted. At least it works that way for me. When I'm not on vacation and he is it is much harder to deal with. You will get through this as you have with other long intervals. I know it's the unexpected nature of it that hurts. I know you wanted to have a last session to prepare for the separation. It's damn hard, I know. Are you traveling for pleasure or business? I hope you have a safe trip and that you find some peace with this.


LOVE the picture! Big Grin I'm sorry, those last minute cancellations are just really hard especially since its making an already too long gap even longer. That picture absolutely captures the feeling. I remember once hitting the end of a five week gap (our vacation ran into my Ts vacation) and getting a cancellation call moving us back another week (!). The reason? The birth of his first grandchild. What kind of selfish monster puts the birth of his first grandchild before one of his patients appointments? (It was really hard because I felt totally guilty even thinking about getting upset. But what I really felt was how that little girl looks!) Thanks for sharing that and I hope the time goes as quickly as possible.

Hi River,

Thanks for sharing because it's good to know I'm not the only one that acts like that little girl when it comes to my T. Happily my T hasn't cancelled on me but at the moment she's on holidays and 2 and a half weeks seems such a long long time to wait for an hour that will be over in a click of a finger. I'm really finding the 1 session a week schedule too little. Is that normal? I don't have any transference feelings for my T, this will only be my fourth session, but I really feel like I can't wait as long anymore.

Mrs. P
I see my T 2x a week and have for maybe a year. It isn't twice every single week but most weeks and it makes everything so much easier. I don't get as anxious between or during sessions and I don't get as depressed. I used to see her on Mon nights and Fri afternoon so it worked out that I saw her every 3 1/2 days which was perfect. The feeling of being connected to her would start to wane but I usually would have a session within 24 hours so it never felt totally desparate and alone. She has changed her schedule though so now I see her on Wed and Fri which is still annoying me because I really enjoyed how balanced it felt before.

I am at my destination now and am glad the travel part is over. I was very anxious at the airport this morning and wished dearly I could have called my T but I drank expensive starbuck's tea and took deep breaths instead. So - yay - that part is over for now so I can hopefully relax and enjoy my time away. Something about the increased distance from home (and T) though seems to intensify the longings.
Hi River, yes that photo is right on. We don't get to pout too much as adults do we...I sometimes suggest to clients that they exaggerate the pout face and it actually feels quite good to do so.

I'm glad to hear that you're getting twice a week therapy. Too many folks try to get by with much less when more frequent is what's needed for them to heal (i.e. seeing a therapist once or twice a month) It just seems to prolong the pain.

I think they are happy to see their clients as often as it is necessary to help them. My T continued to let me come twice a week even after I had to start paying her less because of losing my job. If she didn't want to see me as often it would have been an easy reason to have me come less.

Sometimes I tell her I save all my negativity and sadness for her since I don't want to over-burden my friends with my depression. I want to apologize for only bringing in the worst of myself. She once said that she feels fortunate that she gets to see the truth - the real me that others don't even if it is a lot of sadness and negativity.

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