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Anyone have any ideas how to do this so they feel safe? The big "Kid" is totally and utterly emotionally exhausted and just wants to have a break from everything and have a bit of fun (last vacation was 2001! And it's gonna be awhile before the next one for monetary reasons.) How does one do that on their own? I'm an adult who no longer knows how to let the inner li'l one take over fun wise. Is this even possible anymore? It feels like li'l one is just bursting at the seams to get the "big kid" to let lose and let her have some honest to goodness good "little kid" fun. I think it would go a long way in getting li'l one to trust the adult a lot more if the adult paid more attention to her child-like needs. After all these agonizing weeks/months of emotions, I'm just now slowly figuring this out. I think this is some of what li'l one has been trying to tell me for quite some time only I've been missing or misinterpreting the signs.

Thoughts? Ideas?

Big kid
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Fill the senses Kiddo. Sunlight! Boat trips. Museums. Art galleries, Live theater. Live orchestra's. Have a chat to someone, about anything nice. Visit a perfumed garden. See something you have never seen before. Feel the ocean. Smell it. Touch something that is squishy,rough,fury,hot and cold. For starters.

Can we come too? Big Grin
Wow! Thanks everyone for all your suggestions - some I hadn't ever thought of before! And, yes, absolutely you can come!!! I like the museum suggestion. If my city had a zoo, I'd so be there! The nearest one is a few hundred miles away. We'll let Y'all know what we decide to do, as I took a few days off to have an extended long weekend. I usually hate weekends cuz I usually spend them alone but I'm really trying to change that with li'l one.

The Kid
Well guess what we did today? While out with friends to see a musical in a quaint town, we stumbled across an antique shop. While I don't usually go into these places, something caught my eye in their window. Vintage toy cars. When I first came to my parents when they adopted me at age two and a halfish, I only had the clothes I wore and a cardboard suitcase with a toy truck in it. One of the first things they bought me was a toy Volkswagon - one I could drive in. Well, as soon as I saw the toy car in the store, I bought it for li'l one. It honestly felt like she was begging me to get it, so instead of ignoring the impulse, I bought it! I can't tell you how it felt. I felt her glee instantly. If I hadn't been working really hard to make a connection with her these past few months and already experienced her feelings, I would have a hard time believing they exist or are possible. But they are and they do. I know we'll be playing with it and I have a feeling there'll be more to come.

Today, li'l one feels validated.

The Kid

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