Thank you ladies so much for the thoughts, I really need help with this!!
It's so strange, T said yesterday when I talked with her about this that... pre-verbal doesn't mean necessarily a baby but stuff that couldn't be processed with words, too.
I can assume I was neglected with relative certainty - especially given the things I saw my brother go through but it could have been different for me. My Mom kept a detailed babybook about me for the first year or two. I know when I started to walk (have pictures, too), and said my first word (Dada), first teeth, all the presents I got for my first Christmas, other babies I met, my birth announcement, creepy stuff like my umbilical cord and a lock of my hair, immunization records, foods I ate.
So maybe I was well taken care of, then my newness wore off. Who knows. I'm very fortunate to have that though, and it makes me feel profoundly guilty about this pre-verbal stuff.
R2G - Yes!! It makes it a lot easier to swallow when you know your T is there and ready for it.
Monte - Good to hear from you, I like when you post. The bonnet story is interesting. Thats interesting your T can relate some of your behaviors and stuff to the pre-verbal. I know my ED T related my eating disorder to pre-verbal. I'm trying to go with the pursuit of feelings. The woods is not a fun place to be sometimes!
muff - Do you feel a lot of the emotional deprivation was pre-verbal? I can imagine it can be intensely so. My Ts have processed pre-verbal stuff too that I know still comes up. That's interesting your T has said so also.
AG -
I'm so sorry you are having a rough time today - bitter is ok! I like (well, as much as it can be liked) what you said about lacking attunement. I think for me that MIGHT be what I'm going through because there is a lot of feeling of confusion like I was trying to figure stuff out without a way to figure stuff out. That's probably frustration and anger right there.
SD - I was a 'cry it out' baby too. That was still a big thing where I was when I was born. Horrible. I experience the over empathy also - I think many Ts do too, or people in healing professions (not all, but many). It is hard to go back and heal all that child stuff. Especially so as an adult because we do have that thinking part online
For me I find it brings up a lot of judgement. I'm glad your T uses a roundabout way to get there. The relationship is key.