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Hi All,
I wanted to mention something that I have been noticing around the website that I think needs to be brought to everyone's attention which is discussing Private messaging in the Open Forum. I want to make it clear that this is not directed to any one person and I honestly don't even have a particular member in mind, it's just something that I've noticed. I also want to make it perfectly clear that I absolutely know beyond a shadow of a doubt that no one had any bad intentions in bringing up PMing on open forum. That's actually why I'm bringing this up because I think it's something that people either haven't seen and/or are unaware of the possible effects.

It is a stated part of Shrinklady's policy on posting that you do not discuss Private messaging in the open forum. The quote below is from her Rules of the House topic:
This type of content is not welcomed:

Remember that this is, first and foremost, a self-help community. So if your message (post or PM) isn't offering support to another person, or asking for support, it's potentially inappropriate for the forum.

The following is specifically prohibited in the forums:

Messages discussing a private message (PM) from others (i.e. excluding others by doing so).

So if you want to communicate with another member privately, even if it's just to offer to communicate privately, send a PM to make the offer. We all get that sometimes there are things that you feel more comfortable discussing in private rather than the open forum, but I hope everyone can understand how it could make someone feel left out or excluded which I know is the exact opposite of what people here what to convey. Thanks!

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