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Does your T share her/his progress notes with you? Mine this past week read me her notes following last week's session because she was particularly pleased at the progress we had made and she wanted me to understand and remember what we covered. It was weird to hear her read to me although her notes were pertinent, well-written and very positive. I am curious if others read or have access to their T's progress notes. I now want to read ALL of her notes from our sessions for the past 7 months since I have been seeing her.
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Last year, after I'd seen my T for a year she read her first impression notes on me to me (I guess she like to do that). They were all really super positive (but... she might have only read me the positive parts who knows Wink ). As far as regular progress notes... sometimes my T will go back and be like "well on ___ you left a message saying ___" and I'm like..... you write that down??????? So I don't even want to know. I hope after she stops seeing me we can ritually burn my entire file.
No, my T has never read progress notes to me. Once or twice, he has read to me notes he made in response to something from one of my journals, but usually I just get live feedback from him on stuff. I have thought of asking to read what he writes about me, but he seems to keep his notes for his files mostly and keep the more significant stuff as a part of our interactions. I think he feels like clients feel safer with less detail about what they said written down or something? Or he just works better that way. I dunno. I'll have to ask if I get brave enough.
My t keeps offering to let me go through my two files (one of very personal stuff that I give him and one of the more formal notes stuff that is kept in the NHS office) but I find it really hard seeing it all written down so barely. He tries to keep detail out of it, and makes it minimalistic. I think I am scared of being triggered if I read it, like it might feel that I am being observed clinically and I hate that.

Also, it would take up session time and there is so much fighting for space each session as it is, right now.

I would do it if he offered ANOTHER session for it. Smiler yea, then I would get to see him twice that week.
I've always wanted to see what T wrote about me. She always has this little notebook thing that she takes out whenever I see her but I've never seen her write in it...weird. I feel weird about asking even though i have a right to ask (at least I think I do). Idk how T would react if I asked what she wrote, but I'm sure she wouldn't freak or anything. Hmmm...maybe I'll ask when the end of the semester gets closer just to see how far I've come cos I'd like to think I'm in a much better place than I was 6 months ago Smiler
My T also has a notebook she has out during our sessions... and every now and then when something rather big gets discussed, she will write something down...But, she always seems to recall specifics from emails and previous sessions - So my assumption is that she takes notes on the session afterward, and possibly reviews notes prior to sessions.

Perhaps it's just challenging to think that she'd actually retain all that information about me, things I've said, reactions I've had etc without reading notes she must have before our sessions.

Of course I'm curious about what she writes, but the way I figure it... What I say is my process - What she writes is her process...And as long as they jive and work together - Her notes are, in my opinion....hers.

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