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very badly right now that I am possibly the most annoying, thoughtless, needy, hated person in the world and having ridiculous thoughts about how I need to delete my account and disappear right now. Don't need anyone to counter these opinions. Usually revealing them is enough for me to go, "OK, that's ridiculous and obviously not true." After all, in this whole world, there has to be at least ONE person worse than I am. Wink
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Well, I didn't mention that I meant in the whole world. I have already claimed the most horrible person on this board title. Razzer Kidding, but I didn't mean to start a "Let's hate on ourselves," thread, which is why I was trying to be light-hearted about what is a serious problem for me all of the time, but to reveal how ridiculous these sort of thoughts can get. BB, Gargyrle, you are both wonderful, lovely people. (((((((hugs)))))))) Please don't hate on yourselves and be as gentle with yourselves as you would be with me!
thanks again. I know it seems like I'm whining. My T told me today not to go too deep into the sorrow, as it just causes more sorrow. But I don't know how to not be sad about this.
Plus, I sent her a text about an hour ago, and she hasn't responded, so of course that means she hates me. (I know logically that it doesn't, but it just sometimes feels that way)

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