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Do any of your T's do psychoeducation with you? According to all of the literature, psychoeducation is an important part of therapy.

Once I went on a consult and told him a story about my mother. He asked me if I knew why she did what she did and I said no. He explained that it was the only way she could gain control over the situation.

My T never does anything like that with me. I love my T but I wish he would do more stuff like that with me.

Do your T's do stuff like that?
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Yes, mine do. Vicariously through that, if it is about other people, I learn my own patterns and how to take a more non-judgement stance in my life. When pertaining to me, it helps me think, change or feel normalized. We do this often... So maybe I'm confused in te difference between education and the entirety of my therapy experience, but its the common work I do in therapy. An example I would consider education was today when I told my T I didn't understand what I wanted or needed from some anger I was feeling with her and we explored, and I learned. Or, another example, I am learning not to say "they felt", "they think", "they seem like", "they/she/he must be/think/believe _______." It's nearly put off my vocabulary and I exchange it for "I feel" statements as we talk about why I feel that way. I'm not sure if those things count, but that's what I'm counting. As far as explaining concepts, that's a common occurrence also - but I have a very technical brain, I want to understand any concept that comes up so it is in my "toolbox". If I don't know how or why something works I can't manipulate it to work best for me. Unsure if that is helpful... I'm like a 3yo: What's that? Why?

Do you ask questions?
you've talked about psychoeducation before and i never knew what you were talking about ... because my T didn't do much or any of that either. i frequently wished that he did. but after you said about how maybe your T leaves it out because he wants to appear more "normal" i'm thinking maybe that was my T's slant as well. maybe he thought i'd be too intimidated by his knowledge. which i might have been, knowing me. on the other hand i wish i'd have asked him to be more forth-right with that stuff

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