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Anyone else struggle with ADD? with or without PTSD?

I have been diagnoised with both, and they of course both affect each other. (They actually did formal nueropsych testing to confirm the ADD - I was very surprised.) I have had a ton of triggers this week, and my focus is shot. I had medications I can take for the ADD, and they help lots. They also can help the PTSD actually, and help me re-direct my thoughts and disract through difficult times much better.

Besides meds, and doing lots of treatment for the PTSD and the way it destroys my attention span, I'm trying to find other things that will help me have better focus.

Does anyone else struggle with ADD with PTSD or without PTSD? Anyone find anything that helps? Even without ADD, what helps people in general focus and not be so scatter-brained?

yes, I'm a mess. maybe more than ya'll think I am... but I'm so glad for you all and for this place where I feel like I can just be me, and feel safe to post about this... even if I am alone in this...

~ jd
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Hi Jane,

I have both ADD and PTSD as well, and yes, the focus/concentration sucks. Throw in depression and anxiety, and I'm a ball of fun Roll Eyes

My current medication does not address the ADD, it's focusing on the depression and anxiety. I am constantly scattered and unable to focus. My house is pretty tiny, and still, I'll walk from the living room to the kitchen and forget what I went into the kitchen to get.

Lemme think about anything that may be helping me... I wanted to just post quick so you know you're not alone!
Hi Jane,

I'm on Wellbutrin, which helps with ADD. I am finally on a dose that makes it feel as though the fog in my brain has lifted and I can actually "think". The Wellbutrin, however, can cause anxiety which doesn't help the PTSD. For that, I am on zoloft.

I don't know if I have ADD or what but I certainly have organizational issues.

I don't know if that helps.
I was diagnosed with ADD before I was diagnosed with PTSD. I tried ADD medication for the first time at 38 and I couldn't believe the difference it made in my working life. I have known my boss for over 20 years and he could tell there was a big change. Right now I am on Vvyanse and find it has a positive effect on my mood. I also take Omega-3 vitamins which are supposed to help people with ADD and I have several routines which help me keep on track. I am very methodical and I force myself to stick with a certain way of doing chores for example because I am more likely to complete the chores.

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