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On my good days, when I am not distorting reality, I know he genuinely likes me. But there are lots of days with distortion when I do not believe he does but sticks with me because he is an ethical therapist. But my husband assures me that he likes me (we also see him together) and I am certain that he likes my husband which I can see because my own feelings aren't getting in the way. Smiler
I trust my T is honest.

He has said he loves me (spiritual, God-enabled type of love). When that has freaked me out and I wondered if there was any normal, human-level like for me as a person, he has said that he does.

He has expressed enjoying me as a person, being blessed to know me, etc.

His interactions seem to reflect the statements he has made.

I really DO believe him.

Yet, sometimes, I still find a way to fear it's not true, or I have tricked him or made him do something bad if he really does feel that way...
She says she likes me. I don't believe it at all, even though it's something I'd like.
But I trust she's an ethical T, and that's enough. And actually, it is faaar less scary. I mean, people who like you, they can stop liking you, abandon you if you're not good enough, while if they are being ethical... you don't have to deserve their liking. And since I don't think anyone on earth can like me, it feels much safer.
Different days different answer for me. She has stuck with me for forever so I hope that means something. Hopefully it's not that she is a masochist.

RabbitEars, your answer made me sad. I am sorry.

TAS, I only know you on this forum and you are really hard not to like. You are freaking tenacious, which I love. Therapy is super hard for you but you persist and persist and persist. You will get where you need to go. You continue to persevere. Believe me, he notices. How can he not like that?
Blu Smiler Thank you...I know exactly how you feel.

Rabbit sorry. Frowner are very kind. This has been very difficult and although it's not true...I feel this is worse than anything I endured in childhood...It has been excruciating.

I am continuing to try and persevere but I feel as if I am being worn down...and I am not sure if it is my defenses being worn down...or if I am being worn down...

I feel as if I am down for the count...and I am trying to fight...but can't seem to get back up...

SmilerThank you for the encouragement Becca...means a lot.
Originally posted by TAS: are very kind. This has been very difficult and although it's not true...I feel this is worse than anything I endured in childhood...It has been excruciating.

I am continuing to try and persevere but I feel as if I am being worn down...and I am not sure if it is my defenses being worn down...or if I am being worn down...

I feel as if I am down for the count...and I am trying to fight...but can't seem to get back up...

SmilerThank you for the encouragement Becca...means a lot.

Thank you, Becca and TAS. I am now able to cry which I can never do in session. Thank you for noticing my post and responding. (((Becca))) (((TAS)))

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