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Hi kmay,

I see a fantastic P. I have 30 minute sessions with her, we primarily talk about medications as well as my current life to sort out what adjustments may be needed come up because of something or it's a mental health "check up". She knows what's going on in T... that sort of thing. Last session I talked about all kinds of stuff... whatever came up. But I don't process trauma or really reveal trauma stuff - my T has consulted with her and done what needs to be done there. My current P works with me, I've not had a med change in a while but if something comes up she's always there to help. One thing she is often concerned with is my current stress level, so we'll talk about work, school, life at home, what's new incase she's seeing something there, or reaction patterns, etc.

It took me two fail-Ps to find her.
I have an awesome Pdoc! How frequently I see him depends on how well my meds are working. When we thought we finally had the right combo, I was seeing him every six months for 20 minutes or so.

When we go through a med change (like right now) I see him every 6-8 weeks for 20 minutes.

For the most part, we do focus on the meds, but in order to assess how the meds are doing, we do have to run down quite a laundry list of feelings/thoughts/actions/emotions.
Thanks Cat and R2G,
I have a current P who I was referred to by my old T. My sessions with him are about 20min. He did my meds wean and I was happy with how that went. The new medication I'm on however, seems like its causing anxiety. I have to take an anti anxiety pill everyone I take an anti depressant. I called to talk to him about this and about my concerns of being up and down so much since the meds change. He barely asked any questions and then just told me to up the anti depressant and he will call me in 4 weeks when he gets back from vacation Frowner . I recently got a referral to another P and I have only talked to his receptionist who was so great. She spent time on the phone with me and answered all my questions. Thing is he is 170 an hour and takes no insurance but she gave me a code for reimbursement. I've heard wonderful things about him. Each session is 50 min. The frequency breaks down once we get everything sorted out. Sounds like what I may need. I think I will give it a try, was just curios about others experience. Thank you!
I see my Pdoc for 15min & only discuss meds & how they make me feel. Nothing outside of that like external things that may effect it. I don't like that bec I know there are other tho gs that effect my mood besides meds. I see him every 2-3 wks bec we've been doing A LOT of med changes.
I feel he does his job & that's it. A personality would b nice but I guess I'm not paying for that.
I try to go by word of mouth on references. People don't lie about drs.
Good luck.

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