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DBT is not for everyone, but I have done DBT and found it very helpful. The first DBT group I went to was just a bad fit for me, and I didn;t go back after the first time. But I tried another group, and it kickstarted the rest of my therapy. It can seem like some basic stuff, but there's something about going through it and learning and practicing it all as a group, and then with my T, that really helps me. It really helps me weather through the hardest parts of my PTSD a lot better than I would otherwise. For me, DBT helped the other therapy work I was doing be a lot more effective and useful. My T and I still work on it from time to time.

One great site about dbt is here:

Here's another good (but older) thread about DBT from this forum (in addition to the link AG posted):

Do you have any specific hesitations or questions or concerns? How are ya feeling about their suggestion?

Therapy can be one confusing journey at times - hang in there.
Jane, thanks for your comments and links. I will read the pages. Did you only do group or did you work with a DBT therapist too, and how long did you attend DBT. I have been told while going through DBT I can't see my current therapist and must work with a DBT shrink. I am not so sure I want to do this, as I am pretty attached to my shrink. However, it is my T that wants me to attend DBT.

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