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(If this is in the wrong forum, please feel free to move it.)

Since I’ve come back, I notice that AG has left and that there are a number of co-moderators who have generously taken over the admin of the forum. I’ve read the threads in announcements etc and that is all clear but I have some concerns and wondered if anyone could answer some of the questions I have about this change?

Firstly I wondered just what powers the co-mods have? For instance, what is their remit and how much admin control do they have (could they ban someone for instance, and do they have to get together with each other to do something like that or does each co-mod have the same powers that AG as full mod had?)

I also wonder (and always did, even when AG was mod) just how much does a moderator know about the activities of members on the forum? Can a mod tell for instance when I am on the forum, even though I am switched to invisible mode in my settings? And can a mod tell what I am doing, if it’s reading, or writing PMs, or replying to threads?

Any answers, from mods, Shrink Lady or others, would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Smiler

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Hi LL,

I'll do my best to answer what I can and hopefully others will pipe in too.

It's my understanding that I have "control" of JUST the forums I moderate (ACOA/Substance Abuse) I can edit those posts as needed, PM the post creator, move posts in those forums, and make sure that things are running smoothly in those two forums.

As far as I know, I can not ban a member, nor can I tell when anyone is on the forum or what they are doing. I don't know that any of us can, but that I can't answer for certain.

I do know that the mods do often confer if a question comes up, and we all look out for each others forums as needed (as in, if someone sees a post that would be better in a different forum, we can PM that mod to make the move.)

In general, when AG stepped down from "grand moderator" it was decided that it is MUCH more manageable to have a group of people each moderating one or two forums, instead of one person moderating the entire cafe. It's a lot of reading and posting to keep up with for one person!

Does that help at all?
Hey LL,

R2G did a good job with the overview!

Really, we are eyes and ears for Shrinklady, and if there's a problem on the forum that needs to be addressed in a "banning" kind of way, that's her decision, not ours. (And always has been.)

I believe the admin controls do allow us to see who's on the forum and how often, but haven't looked at that much.

None of the mods are trying to get into everyone's business...trying to see what people are up to. The only reason we would access this information is if there was clearly a problem on the forum. (Like, one member bullying another member, for instance.)

Does that help??
Hi Lampers,

No a co-mod can't tell when you are on the forum if you are invisible on sign in....and be reassured this co-mod can't tell an awful lot cos she has rubbish computer skills Big Grin

Glad you asked the questions. My view is that it is about having an overall responsibility for material posted in your section, so nobody is offended, intimidated, bullied etc

Thank you so much R2G, BG and Starfishy. Your answers have more than covered the things I was concerned about. Lol in fact after I posted I thought, do I really want to know all this? I think all I was after was as bit of clarity about the role of the co-mods, whether it was distinct from the role AG used to play - and I am happy with the answers.

Thanks so much you guys. And by the way, you must be doing a pretty good job because the forum seems to be running pretty smoothly Smiler

*edited and rephrased to take out upsetting quote*

We're all in this together, for sure! Ideally, nobody would ever say something mean about another member, or make threats that scare people, or be unkind on a public forum. But the reality is that occasionally, it happens.

So, Shrinklady gives administrative rights to a few hoping to keep that to a minimum.

She used to be here to enforce the rules (her rules, posted on "announcements"), but the forum has grown to a size that she can't keep up with it.

So, she relies on all of us (not just moderators) to keep this a kind, welcoming place of healing.
Hi Draggers... I'm sure BG didn't mean anything negative in quoting your and scars terminology of runners of the show. I think she just wanted to convey a feeling of ... we are all in this together... Some of us just have more technology "permissions" to delete or move posts around. We all watch out for each other and keep this place a safe and supportive place to come.

I think all the above questions were good and valid ones. I'm glad they were asked. And you, sweet Draggers, are always here to help others and we all appreciate that!

Hugs to you
Draggers I can see why being quoted like that would make you feel a bit paranoid - I myself am thinking that I've almost created a monster with this thread, it's touching on quite fraught and potentially threatening issues (to a paranoid person like myself, that is!)

Seeing as how the real point of it was just to clarify the current role and powers of mods, and that's been pretty well answered, can I ask that this thread be closed now, before it runs the risk of becoming divisive?


DF - I am so sorry that my highlighting was upsetting to you!! I just edited my original comment.

I wasn't upset when I highlighted it...I just wanted to highlight, as TN said, that we all run the show!

The question that was originally asked sort of implied that the mods DO run the show, which isn't true at all!

We're just trying to keep it safe, which I'm obviously not doing a very good job at! ((((Draggers)))

I'm so sorry, Draggers.
Double Hug two

Do you mind if I give a compliment here? And this is meant as a compliment so if it doesn't come across that way for some reason, please let me know.

I know misunderstandings will arise. We're human. But it just seems to me and I think this thread is a great example of this, I see that everyone here is making a huge effort to be sensitive to everyone else and to clarify things where someone might have gotten hurt and to even express ourselves when we feel hurt. It's awesome.

(I must be on drugs! Oh yeah, I am. LOl!)
As the Moderator of this forum, I am taking the step to close this thread. There are a number of reasons why I am taking this step.

First, because I feel that the original question posed by Lamplighter was answered. Lampers... if you have any other related questions, please PM me and I will be happy to answer them.

Next, I can see that where the topic is going is potentially not healthy and safe for ANY member here and could trigger in all kinds of ways and/or cause hurt feelings.

Lastly, it is Saturday and I will not be around much to monitor the thread as I have a load of family obligations to take care of today. I hope you all can understand this.

This board is important to me and I want it to be a safe and supportive place for everyone.

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