Now I’m becoming more aware that how I really feel and what I really think seem to be ‘childish’ and that I’ve spent my life blocking my spontaneous thoughts and feelings precisely because they are childish and therefore not only unacceptable but that I ‘ought’ to be thinking and feeling as an adult...
But I can’t get my head around the idea of some separate part of me as being this inner child, or ‘having’ an inner child - to me I AM a child, through and through. The so-called adult me is just a veneer of what I’ve learned intellectually to say and do and understand as a means of surviving in a hostile world. So I don’t feel as if there is a part of me that is childish, or that I have a separate entity inside that is the child from years ago, it feels to me like there is nothing but a child in me. All my feeings and spontaneous thoughts come from my background sense of me as being childish, backward, not adult, not grown up, pathetic, stupid etc etc
I’ve read in some posts on here several of you refer to this child part of yourselves, so I wondered if you had any thoughts on this - like, how did you come to identify an inner child, how you feel about this ‘childish’ part of yourselves, how do you go about experiencing this child part as an adult, how do you deal with being ‘childish’, how does therapy help, all that kind of stuff.
I guess I’m blocked by the notion that you’re supposed to somehow make this child part ‘grow up’, and every part of me rebels at that - NO I will NOT get rid of me - I actually want to BE me, no matter how childish and unacceptable and unlovable and all the rest I am, not work towards killing me off. Does that make sense to anyone?
I think what I’m asking is for other people’s experiences of discovering child aspects or part in themselves. It’s something I want to bring up in therapy but not prepared to do so until I have a clearer idea of what it all means - I can just imagine T's eyes lighting up when I start talking about getting in touch with being a child - definitely worth ten gold stars that one - but I know that he will automatically assume I’m talking about a part or aspect of me, when what I really want to say is - forget all the intellectual verbalizing which you are directing to the non-existent adult I’m presenting, that’s not me, I’m really just this ignorant needy scared angry child pretending to be grown up.
Luckily (???) I don’t see my T for another two weeks so I have plenty of time to think about this, to get more info, so all and any replies very much appreciated. Child says ‘I want to know’ (and is terrified that she’s going to get told off not only for being nosey but for daring to post in the first place) adult says ‘please if I’m not being too forward and I really don’t want to impose but would you mind awfully giving me your considered opinions on this topic’ lol