Good to know that I may be able to concentrate better. I have a few tough classes and board exams coming up this year, and I can't focus on anything for more than about 15 minutes. If I'm lucky.
I'm going to take some Chinese herbs for insomnia should it arise as they have been extremely helpful in the past for intense insomnia (I went through a 2 week period where I pretty much did not sleep at all)
I do need to be careful because I do enjoy wine in moderation (anything more than that and I tend to put on weight)
I went to a restorative yoga class tonight. The kind where you lie around in shavasana or child's pose, supported on bolsters, eye pillows, etc... and relax. I have a hard time with that. Intrusive thoughts, at times wanted to cry, and feeling "edgy". I'm feeling "edgy" now. I envy those who can just meditate or do restorative yoga and fall asleep/arrive at a state of peace.
Hopefully, I won't have crappy nights where I'm in what I can only describe as a state of anguish. That's when I wish I had Xanax around to take as needed. They gave me an Rx for Ambien, but I'm not sure I want to go down that road. I did not get it filled. I'm doing this conservatively.
The flat emotions- not sure how I would feel about that.
Raven: Good to know, as I mention, the exact mechanism is unknown. It is somewhat of a crap-shoot.
I get long-winded, you are fine! Lots of good info there. To clarify, do you still feel jittery? I'm sorry the anxiety came back.
I liked the fact that my (ex?) T didn't diagnose, because I think that what I have is just a case of raw, exposed nerves due to a lot of stress that has happened recently, combined with a genetic propensity towards depression. Sympathetic nervous system just won't shut down, until I'm utterly exhausted and moving in slow motion. But yeah, part of the stress is not trusting anyone or anything further than I can throw it. And I'm too tired to throw anyone right now!
Do you all experience physical symptoms... headaches, jitters, etc? Sounds like the adjustment period varies.
Thanks for all this info, it allows me to plan a bit. This week there is a lot of downtime, and I do feel like I want to sleep, a LOT. But it doesn't feel like depression-related hyposomina, just like I need a rest, badly.
Next week will be more challenging, and it would seem that I may need to allow myself some downtime so I won't want to jump out of my skin?
jigsaw puzzles... interesting. For me, I'm reading Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series and the Game of Thrones series. Never used to read fantasy, or novels for that matter. I don't watch TV either. Too much reality for me, so I have self-prescribed fantasy novels so I don't lose my mind.
Thanks for the input you guys... I hope it works as well.