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For those on Wellbutrin, how long did it take to feel the effects? I know that there is a delay, but I imagine there is some variation in that.

Also wondering about secondary anxiety, increased feelings of agitation or anger, or if the drug helped with both depression and anxiety. I'm taking a pharmaceutical class, and the mechanisms of how these types of drugs work is largely unknown. I feel that your personal experiences here would provide me with more valuable information.

I tend to get agitated and feel "obnoxious" on the inside at times- irritable, PMS-like, (usually close to my cycle) and I'm concerned about this. Should I limit human contact to the bare minimum for a while?

That is ALMOSt a joke... Roll Eyes

PS: If W. has helped you with focus and concentration, let me know. My attention span is that of a gnat. Thanks!
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Hi Number9,

I have done really well on Wellbutrin for a long time. It was a bit of a bumpy start. The first week or so I was on it I was a total zombie, as in could barely move or think at a level that would not have been tolerable long term. Then I spent the next week or two after that feeling like I had drunk two full pots of coffee every day and like I would vibrate out of my skin. Then it settled down and I got really stable. I like the Wellbutrin because I have a full range of feelings while on it which allowed me to continue to do the work I needed to in therapy. But it also placed a "bottom" under me, I only sink so far. I had struggled with SU ideation on and off and very rarely has that happened since I've been on the Wellbutrin. The only time I really notice that I'm on it now is if I miss a dose. In my experience you should take a lot of care in terms of not interrupting the drug. Due to a script mixup I once abruptly stopped the drug (I'm on 300 mg daily XL) and it was NOT a fun couple of days.

My PA at the psych practice where I go for my meds (15 min appt every three months) is so happy with how I am on the medication and the fact that it's the only drug I'm on, that we've kind of agreed not to mess with it. I have considered trying to ween off it but I have a close sister who has VERY similar physiological reactions who also does well on the drug, but when she's attemtpted to go off it, tends to crash very hard and ends up fighting off a lot of SU thoughts. So at this point, I'm kind of at a a "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" point. Smiler

And yes, I do think it helped me with focus and concentration, mainly because it helped alot with emotional regulation so that my feelings weren't constantly derailing my frontal lobe. Smiler

I am almost a month in and as I said yesterday it is making me feel agitated. Also, sensitive, a bit jumpy inside, a bit paranoid, unreasonable, hand tremors, numbness in left hand, sweaty oalms, irritable and I think my PMS is going to be horrible. Go see my GP next week...if this doesn't work for me she said we will go see a psychiatrist to determine something...T won't come out with any of her feelings about it and that's fine I guess. I am finding that I sleep a lot less hours and am taking more xanax to countereffect. Also, was just informed that I offended a friend and I could swear T had a scared look on her face last week when I left. I am 5'8 and for some reason people take it that I'm going to be angry or violent when I am actually the opposite...funny how we/people presume things...I always thought of me as the gentle giant...although I'm not that big but somewhat tall for a woman. The attention and concentration have improved though. I think mine will have to be adjusted. GP wanted me to stick it out atleast until I see her. Every morning I wake up I almost dread taking this pill because I feel pretty much ok until I take it. BTW part of my reason for trying it was SAD, probable ADD, obsessive and also that it is known to help with weight loss because I've been in a program where I seemed anxious and counseling was suggested to me as I was unable to keep going with the program and lost 60 lbs. and then started and stopped as I would gain back 15 and eventually that became depressing so since this helps with appetite we tried it because of that and it does help because I've lost about 8 lbs. I do like some of what it does but may need a lower dose or another thing in addition...I fight the med thing a lot too but becoming more accepting. Hope that helps. Also, hoping for results like AG said...totally makes me feel so much more than lexapro which was so relaxing...maybe I'll get at my issues more because I might be a bit less inhibited...or maybe I'll go to an analyst. Time will tell.

AG and Hopeful:

Thanks so much! Now I can plan ahead.

AG: Yes, I do feel a bit like a zombie, but I just had midterms and now I'm on break. Good timing. I'll allow myself to rest a bit more. Smiler

AG and Hopeful: Gotcha! I can just imagine how I will feel in class. Agitated, twitchy, impatient, distracted, obnoxious. I think I can regulate that with some self-acupuncture and Chinese herbs. And decaf coffee for me...Planning is good!

Hopeful: I don't have too much of a problem with weight as I'm a fairly athletic 5'9" (I have an intimidating look about me as well) but I insisted on avoiding any drugs that would cause weight gain. I'm vain that way. When I'm very depressed my appetite is quite low, but I feel weak and flabby as a result. Do you think that it was the W. alone that contributed to the weight loss, or did you do something different? I am fortunate that I enjoy physical activity so that should help somewhat in terms of the hyperactivity/spaziness that I'm sometimes prone to.

SAD and ADD-like symptoms are a challenge for me lately, but in addition to emotional exhaustion, often I'm mentally and physically exhausted as well. I do know that I have a LOT that I have to accomplish this year and I can't afford to be moving in super-slow motion, which happens when I'm depressed.

You had said that you felt fine until you took the pill each day. That's interesting-

keep me posted?

PS: AG, I noticed you are on 300 mg. I'm starting off at 75, ramping up to 150 mg per day. I'm hoping not to have to stay on it TOO long, although I know it is a bit of a commitment. I want to wean off eventually and get back on the Chinese herbs as I come down, but this is the second time I have gone on W. and I may decide to stay on it. Thanks for the info, it really helps!
Hey Number9,

I have been on Wellbutrin for about 7 years now and it has helped me immensely. It took about two weeks for me to start feeling better. Also, WB is prescribed for both depression and anxiety, so it can certainly help that. When I'm off it, I get anxious and feel like I can't handle anything, and all of that goes away once I'm back on it.

As far as side effects, I had pretty nasty cotton mouth for about the first month. Also, when I changed to the SR (which is twice a day) I had trouble sleeping if I took the second pill too close to bed time. However, I also got used to that after a few months and it doesn't matter when I take it.

It has helped my concentration a lot as well. But I think that my problems with concentration were a secondary problem due to my depression.

Hope that helps - good luck with the WB. Smiler
Oh yeah didn't want anymore weight on this body. First time I ever went on anything gained like 70 lbs. that was twelv'ish years ago and that was paxil...had a sit down job and felt like a zombie...darn doctors wouldn't let me change. Even with the things I've said I do feel like it is starting to level off a bit. Like Kashley said the cotton mouth is awful but hoping that will subside soon. First week was 150 and then went up to 150SR in the morning and then about 6 to 8 hours later another 150 and I usually feel better with the evening dose.
Sleeping...I get about 5 hours and then I wake up so since I wanted to sleep more I took .50 xanax or else I would have been tired all day. Decaf is a good option. Occasionally I feel like my muscles tightened then loosened and I will feel exhausted. One day my emotions were flat and I freaked out that I would never feel again. Low grade headaches but improving. I usually eat lots when I'm depressed this is definitely what has helped with the appetite and not obsessing about food so really happy with that. I think once it levels out totally I will be happy. If only they had this even in elementary school I would be much better off always thought I was ADD...I retain more and follow a conversation better. When I go to the gym I come home feeling exhausted but I do push myself a tiny bit. I tried it for four days in the summer but caffeine with it made me panicky feeling. Let us know how it goes.

I had an awful feeling from Wellbutrin. It caused me so much more anxiety and agitation. I was wired and couldn't sleep. I was talking really fast and not thinking clearly. All these drugs definitely affect differnt people in different ways. My pdoc said Wellbutrin is for lifting the mood, but kept me on zoloft because he claims Wellbutrin alone isn't for anxiety. Hope it works for you!
I had a long response but deleted it....felt long winded....

I have two experiences with Wellbutrin.

I'll just say, though, that I have never been on it alone, so I probably shouldn't respond to this thread. (But, at first I got more weepy!!! Anxiety disappeared first. Depression much improved around day 20. Only sleeping 2 hours a night for 5 weeks!! Frowner Now the trembles, jitteryness, nervousness....hate it)

I have always had a mood stabilizer prescribed at the same time, due to the "idea" that I have Bipolar Disorder. Remember, I am diagnosed with PTSD and Personality Disorder NOS and MDD and GAD and who knows....but there is a lot of mental health issues in my mom's family.

Today, my anger is so much lower. I can love my kids again the way I am meant to and want to! I can talk to H more calmly (although PMS last week was still a bit like hell, as the PA reminded me the SSRIs usually work better at helping with PMS symptoms). The jolts in my ears, headaches, hand trembles (and inside jittery-ness) are so annoying!!! And, my anxiety....well, my T said she thought it was GONE very soon after starting on what I started on in January. I did have some wonderful moments of just sitting, feeling safe, in her office serveral weeks ago. I'm not like that was one session and the next one might have been sort of okay too and now I'm back to anxiety of life, therapy, relationships, health, ....whatever I can worry about. Recently, I found jigsaw puzzles are the only thing that take away the intrusive thoughts.

I started on the WB XL on Jan 7th. I'm at 450mg right now. I'm still in the adjusting and tweaking and whatever-they-call-it phase to try to make my symptoms go away (depression, anxiety, mood dysregualation and lack of sleep (sleep is better now....finally....after the Depakote got to a more theraputic level). I think they believe I have Bipolar Disorder now because of how I reacted when I started WB, before the Depakote was at theraputic level (I got manic).

I hope Wellbutrin works for you, number9.

(This one is long too, ha)

Good to know that I may be able to concentrate better. I have a few tough classes and board exams coming up this year, and I can't focus on anything for more than about 15 minutes. If I'm lucky.


I'm going to take some Chinese herbs for insomnia should it arise as they have been extremely helpful in the past for intense insomnia (I went through a 2 week period where I pretty much did not sleep at all)

I do need to be careful because I do enjoy wine in moderation (anything more than that and I tend to put on weight)

I went to a restorative yoga class tonight. The kind where you lie around in shavasana or child's pose, supported on bolsters, eye pillows, etc... and relax. I have a hard time with that. Intrusive thoughts, at times wanted to cry, and feeling "edgy". I'm feeling "edgy" now. I envy those who can just meditate or do restorative yoga and fall asleep/arrive at a state of peace.

Hopefully, I won't have crappy nights where I'm in what I can only describe as a state of anguish. That's when I wish I had Xanax around to take as needed. They gave me an Rx for Ambien, but I'm not sure I want to go down that road. I did not get it filled. I'm doing this conservatively.

The flat emotions- not sure how I would feel about that.

Raven: Good to know, as I mention, the exact mechanism is unknown. It is somewhat of a crap-shoot.


I get long-winded, you are fine! Lots of good info there. To clarify, do you still feel jittery? I'm sorry the anxiety came back.

I liked the fact that my (ex?) T didn't diagnose, because I think that what I have is just a case of raw, exposed nerves due to a lot of stress that has happened recently, combined with a genetic propensity towards depression. Sympathetic nervous system just won't shut down, until I'm utterly exhausted and moving in slow motion. But yeah, part of the stress is not trusting anyone or anything further than I can throw it. And I'm too tired to throw anyone right now! Roll Eyes

Do you all experience physical symptoms... headaches, jitters, etc? Sounds like the adjustment period varies.

Thanks for all this info, it allows me to plan a bit. This week there is a lot of downtime, and I do feel like I want to sleep, a LOT. But it doesn't feel like depression-related hyposomina, just like I need a rest, badly.

Next week will be more challenging, and it would seem that I may need to allow myself some downtime so I won't want to jump out of my skin?

jigsaw puzzles... interesting. For me, I'm reading Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series and the Game of Thrones series. Never used to read fantasy, or novels for that matter. I don't watch TV either. Too much reality for me, so I have self-prescribed fantasy novels so I don't lose my mind.

Thanks for the input you guys... I hope it works as well. Smiler
Every morning I wake up I almost dread taking this pill because I feel pretty much ok until I take it.

Things are getting better...slight morning headache...I know if I don't stay with the program I would start to become an obsessive thinker early in the morning and would ruin my day. Last two days a moderate pain between my shoulders. As for wine or alcohol I don't know but I believe the paperwork may have warned against it as I rarely have anything like that. Hope I'm not overloading you with info but just keeping you up to date as I go along. I would say that the depression does seem to be gone and the anxiety probably too but using the xanax which I can now use during the day whereas it was an occasional nighttime thing when I was on lexapro. WB seems to take care of more things that have been mentioned than lexapro but it is more difficult with the start up. TTYL.
Number9, yes, jitters are bad....didn't have them when I started but now I tremble when I try to do anything with shoulder muscles on down, especially hands/fingers (such as typing, taking photos, carrying a plate of food to the dinner table....etc. I experienced this with the WB SR last year when I was on it for 6 months but not this bad I don't recall (however, it was bad enough for my 7 year old to always ask me why I was shaking). I think I'm on a larger dose now. If my anxiety is up, inside I jitter, too, ugh. Headache seems common every day; Advil works usually. My meds are mixed....they gave me Trazodone for sleep (hated it), and I have Ativan for anxiety, also have decided to never take it again (think it seems to be reacting with the two meds I take every day, whereas Ativan is PRN (as needed). Seems so many people I know are prescribed Xanax; wonder if I should try it....3 weeks till my next med appt with the PA....
Thanks everyone for the input!

Right now, I am feeling alternately tired and "amped" - like my energy level has not evened out yet. Mostly wired.

Did have some "flushing" and am prone to dizziness from postural hypotension, so I'll stay hydrated and watch out for that. No HA's or jitters, hopefully none. I can counter with the herbs.

Last night was slightly "trippy/psychotropic" meaning that I had a strange feeling/dreams/colors and lights/slightly agitated/paranoid feeling. Not bad.

With the bursts of energy I want to do everything at warp speed, and then I wear myself out. Sounds like same energy cycle as scaredtoriskmyself but much shorter cycles.

One thing that irritates me are the comments that exercise is just as effective for depression as drugs. What? athletes/active people never get depressed? Um, no. For me, that logic doesn't apply. Granted, when I'm depressed I'm not quite as active, and would be much worse off if I wasn't moving, but when snowboarding in bright sunlight doesn't cut it.. it's time for the big guns. (at least temporarily)

I'm a little worried that I may become to much...say whatever comes to mind. I get like this right before my cycle, and I'm self-conscious about it.

I'm also curious about whether or not WB contributes to the healing process, just facilitates it, or hinders it (many T's are against drugs)

I'm sure there is some placebo effect at this point, but I'm finding that I'm a bit less devastated by not feeling understood by my T, and that I can accept that he just has shortcomings and that I'm expecting him to be something he cannot. But then again, I'm not allowing myself to look at the cynical side... (this is the way it's ALWAYS going to be, you are ALWAYS going to be disappointed, stop trying, f*#k it all, the more people know me the less they like me because I suck, yada, yada. But it's not SHOUTING at me anymore. Someone on a blog had said it was like the difference between Marilyn Manson (YOU F#*N SUCK!!!!!) vs. Mr. Rogers: Do you know you suck? Can you say suck? Good, I knew you could. Smiler And that's ok.

I just feel like I don't care as much anymore, but not in a bad way, necessarily.

And I am very, very talkative. It's obnoxious, you may have noticed. Toward the manic end of the continuum.
I don't know what to say but your post is great. Yeah I don't think I can keep up with your thoughts...sounds like the rambling I do with T. It does help to accept stuff...glad it's not shouting at you anymore! I've been doing post-counseling crying so your stuff lightened up my mood. That welbutrin is quite the adjustment.
Take care,
Thanks hopeful! Hope you are feeling much lighter. and thanks for your input! Smiler

Ninn: Thanks as well, you are turning into a great consultant!

Thanks all!

My apologies to ScaredtoRiskMyself for getting the name totally wrong. Can I blame it on my eyes? I just started using reading glasses.

Clarification: comments about exercise and depression did not originate here- just referring to various silly magazine articles, etc.

Geez, I do need to slow down.
When I was on it for 3 months I talked o much and so fast all the time - I worried if others thought I was manic or going drugs! The headaches and brain saps and constantly wired feeling caused me to have to have to quit. I was also one of the few percent who had bladder pain from it. Hope you have good luck!
I'm also curious about whether or not WB contributes to the healing process, just facilitates it, or hinders it (many T's are against drugs)

I think this is why my T "loves" Wellbutrin (but she hasn't said she does, just she gets a happy look on her face when I tell her I am taking it) LOL. Since I've been on it, I have racing thoughts (though the Depakote has finally calmed it, I'm slower thinking and talking in general, but still talk a lot). So, in therapy I talk almost the entire session, sometimes I go off on tangents, things aren't even tied together. I asked her at one point how she felt about the way I talked one of our sessions, because I noticed it was loud and fast and a lot (I said because my H and mom want to shut me up cuz I make them so nervous when I do that). She says, "You have such a hard time expressing yourself, so when you do talk, I'm like, 'Yay, keep going!'."

Being on WB and Depakote are helping my therapy. I see it now. I'm making connections, recognizing patterns, triggers, naming feelings, etc!
I know that this is a bit old, but I hope that it is OK to add something to it...

I have been on Wellbutrin for almost 10 years now. I previously had troubles with very serious to moderately serious side effects with all other antidepressants that I have tried, and have had next to no side effects with this medication. I am on 300mg XL.

I have recently been going through an extremely intense period of therapy and the emotional intensity has been off the charts, which actually makes things difficult to really process. According to the psychiatrist with whom I have recently started working, while Wellbutrin works very well as an antidepressant, it does very little to nothing with anxiety or emotional states. It seems that the SSRIs are better at doing this. She has me trying a very, very small dose of Zoloft (12.5 mg) in addition to the Wellbutrin, in an attempt to tone down the emotional intensity just enough so that I can more easily do the work that I need to do in session. We are hoping that because the dose is so tiny, I will be able to avoid any bad side effects.

Just recently, my husband also started on Wellbutrin, and we were warned that it can sometimes cause irritability, especially at the beginning.
Hi Cat's Meow,
I was in on this thread before. I can relate to the it doing very little nothing with anxiety or emotional states...when triggered in therapy it does nothing for me...I have xanax to counterbalance but when it's that intense even that doesn't do much, and sometimes nothing. I had inquired with my doctor about adding back in a tiny dose of Lexapro but she doesn't like to mix unless necessary...a GP but what she did was up my dose of Welbutrin...that was too much so I self-adjusted but still I'm unsure of how to proceed...pretty calm now but things are going well and I may drive my DR crazy. Let us know how it works out for you as I'd be interested to hear about it all...of course it's different for all people but I'm always searching for others' experiences to see how it might work.

Welbutrin was the most difficult one ever for me to get started on...nausea and irritability were big but it leveled off after two weeks and then by a month it was fine.
I should also add that about a month and a half ago I was started on Topamax. Due to side effects, we ended up having to reduce the dosage to something that shouldn't be therapeutic, but works for me. The Topamax successfully reined in out of control flashbacks and hyperstimulation. The normal dosage is 50mg 2x a day. I am on 25mg 1x a day. The nice side benefit is that it also works on migraines and drastically reduced the number of migraines for me. This is currently an off label use for Topamax, although there have been clinical studies its use with PTSD. As a result, I doubt that many GPs will be aware of that use.

I will let you know what happens on the Zoloft.
Originally posted by number9:
For those on Wellbutrin, how long did it take to feel the effects? I know that there is a delay, but I imagine there is some variation in that.

I can't take Wellbutrin. I thought I would die of anxiety and I could not stop worrying about everything, I think for me the dose the original was to high, but even at a smaller does I didn't like the med. For me, the med is terrible.

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